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Respons faktor defensif dan agresif lambung tikus putih terhadap aspirin sebagai model penggunaan obat anti inflamasi non steroid pada manusia

dc.contributor.advisorPontjo P, Bambang
dc.contributor.advisorEstuningsih, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorRahminiwati, Min
dc.contributor.authorManan, Chudahman
dc.description.abstractNon Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs / Aspirin is a drug which is currently widely used in the treatment of cases in the field of Rheumatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Hematology and Oncology. The expansion of clinical indications will result in the increasing prevalence of drug side effects, especially on the stomach. The initial clinical symptoms due to side effects of this drug are dyspepsia syndrome. If these symptoms are not quickly resolved more severe complications will happen in the form of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The purpose of this study is to determine the changes in gastric pathology and histopathology due to side effects of aspirin. The study was conducted on 20 white rats Spague-Dawley strain which has been prepared starting from pre-study to eliminate bias factors that may affect the results of this study. Furthermore, rats were divided into 2 groups: the control and treatment groups The treatment group were given aspirin powder dissolved in water a dose of 400 mg once daily for 3 days, whereas the control group were given aquabidet. Afterthat necropsy was performed and the stomach was observed in macroscopic and microscopic examination to determine changes in cell activity such as mucus cells, inflammatory cells, parietal cells and chief cells as a component for defensive and agressive factors. Activities of isoenzyme cyclooxygenase 1 and cyclooxygenase 2 which associated with the production prostaglandin were examined by immunohistochemical staining. The results obtain from this study is gastric dilatation and mucus is a component of defensive factor can serve as primary and secondary prevention of gastric mucosal lesions. Inflammatory cells, gastric acid and pepsin are only contributor factors in the occurrence of mucosal lesions. Isoenzymes COX-1 and COX-2 is associated with the production of prostglandin, function of COX-1 as constitutive factor can be seen clearly, whereas COX-2 functions as an inflammatory factor does not provide a clear picture. Macroscopic and microscopic changes of the stomach will be used as a model in humans in conducting primary and secondary prevention of acute gastric mucosal lesions due to side effects of aspirinen
dc.description.abstractmeningkatnya efek samping obat pada saluran cerna bagian atas khususnya lambung. Prevalensi efek samping berkisar antara 50% – 70 %. Bentuk kelainan yang dapat terjadi mulai dari ringan yaitu peradangan sampai dengan berat yaitu terjadinya ulkus dengan atau tanpa perdarahan. Kebutuhan pemakaian Aspirin pada penyakit penyakit tertentu seperti kelainan jantung, saraf, darah dan kanker akan berlangsung lama, sehingga diperlukan upaya pencegahan primer yaitu sebelum terjadinya lesi mukosa lambung dan pencegahan sekunder untuk mencegah perluasan dan memberatnya lesi mukosa yang sudah terjadi. Untuk melakukan pencegahan ini perlu diketahui reaksi seluler pada kelompok yang tidak mengalami lesi mukosa lambung, sedangkan ketahanan mukosa yang dihubungkan dengan produksi prostaglandin, pada kelompok Perlakuan Lesi Positif berdasarkan ekspresi isoenzim Cyclooxygenase satu dan dua (COX-1 dan COX-2). Penelitian ini dimulai dengan pengamatan gejala klinik akibat efek samping obat sampai dengan perubahan seluler dan perubahan ketahanan mukosa lambung. Kelompok tanpa lesi mukosa merupakan kelompok yang akan diteliti secara khusus sebab akan dapat ditentukan perbedaan reaksi seluler dibandingkan dengan kelompok dengan lesi mukosa. Penelitian pada manusia banyak keterbatasan sehingga pengamatan secara menyeluruh sulit dilakukan. Oleh sebab itu penggunaan hewan coba tikus putih galur Sprague Dawley dengan struktur lambung sama dengan manusia akan dapat memberi gambaran reaksi seluler maupun ketahanan mukosa yang sama pada manusia. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menjadi model untuk diterapkan pada manusiaid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectgastric dilatationen
dc.titleDefensive and agressive factors response of white rat stomach to aspirin as a human modelen
dc.titleRespons faktor defensif dan agresif lambung tikus putih terhadap aspirin sebagai model penggunaan obat anti inflamasi non steroid pada manusiaid
dc.title.alternativeIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)en aat atnah gastric dilatation mucus COX-1 C0X-2 sel parietal sel chief cyclooxygenase
dc.subject.keywordgastric dilatation
dc.subject.keywordsel parietal
dc.subject.keywordsel chief

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