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dc.contributor.advisorMunibah, Khursatul
dc.contributor.advisorGandasasmita, Komarsa
dc.contributor.advisorAnwar, Ruly
dc.contributor.authorHadisusilo, Adityo
dc.description.abstractRapid population growth will implied the need for space to accommodate their activity. And one of it manifested in the shape of built up area. On this land then this population do their activity, individually or in a group. The aims of this study were namely, to analyzes changes in land use/land cover of Bogor Municipality between 2005 and 2007, to analyzes the influence of economic factor to the land use/land cover compositions, and to analyzes the consistency between land use of the Bogor Municipality in 2007 and Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). In 2005, Bogor Municipality land use/land cover was dominated by settlement with 31,1% (3.563,01 Ha), followed by paddy with 23,2 % (2.656,07 Ha) and urban forest with 13,9% (1.592,75 Ha). There were no change in the land use/land cover domination in 2007. Settlement still dominating Bogor Municipality land use/land cover with a little increase, which is 31,3% (3583,98 Ha). Paddy with the same percentage, which is 23,2% (2658,88 Ha) on second place and urban forest with 13.9% (1592,79 Ha) in third place. Between 2005 and 2007, there were 109,14 Ha land use/land cover change that occurs in Bogor Municipality. The transformation from non used space became a residential is the most dominating transformation, which reach 45 Ha. Followed by the transformation from field became a residential with 21,75 Ha and the transformation from non used space became fields is on the third place with 12,67 Ha. The growth of the population equal to the demand for housing. This is the reason for the developer to build new residential. The Bogor outer ring road project is also suspected as the trigger to the growth of residential area. With this infrastructure built, these new residential will have the best accessibility to or from Jakarta, which is the centre of economic activity in Indonesia. Bogor Municipality consist of two hierarchy, first hierarchy and third hierarchy. The third hierarchy consist of 57 villages. While another eleven 11 were classified as the first hierarchy. Essentially, the first hierarchy is the centre v of general activity and economic activity, which is why the first hierarchy is dominated by built up area, while the third hierarchy is commonly dominated by the non built area. There are two kinds of the inappropriateness between Regional Spatial Plan and 2007 land use. The first one is the Regional Spatial Plan which was built less than the allocated plan, which is dominated by the allocation for health facilities, with 1,8 Ha over 18,3Ha which was allocated. The second is the Regional Spatial Plan which was built more the allocated plan, which is dominated by the allocation for agriculture with 128,4 Ha allocated, but built up to 408,1 Ha. By identifying the inconsistencies of actual land use to Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), spatial plan deviations in Bogor Municipality can be identified.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectLand Useen
dc.subjectEconomic Growthen
dc.subjectSpatial Planen
dc.titlePenggunaan/Penutupan Lahan dan Kaitannya dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Wilayah (Studi Kasus Kota Bogor)en

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