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The effect of honeybee-coffee plantation integration on improving honey productivity of Apis cerana

dc.contributor.advisorFuah, Asnath Maria
dc.contributor.advisorSumantri, Cece
dc.contributor.advisorAbdullah, Luki
dc.contributor.advisorHadisoesilo, Soesilowati
dc.contributor.authorSaepudin, Rustama
dc.description.abstractA study of integrated farming system of honey bee–coffee plantation was conducted in Kepahiang, the Province of Bengkulu. The objective of the study was to evaluate the implementation of Apis cerana being managed in coffee plantation following integrated farming process to increase honeybee and coffee productivity. Location representing two different systems consisted of integrated and non integrated honeybee-coffee plantation were purposively chosen for the study using Apis cerana as major material in this study. Ten stups of honeybee were located in each system. In the integrated system, the stups set to be placed in different position, five stups were placed concerntratedly in the middle of coffee plantation and other five stups were placed spreadly around the platation with the distance between stup was approximately 100-200 meter. The number of honeybees of each stup were approximately 13000 bees. Data collected were analized to measure the production of nectar and honey in the two systems, and then used to formulate a sustainable model of integrated honeybee-coffee plantation. The results of the study indicated that the honey production of A. cerana at coffee plantation were significantly higher (P<0,01) by 114% than those which were off the plantation. Similarly, the coffee production honeybee-coffee plantation was significantly higher by 10.55 % (P<0,01) than those off the plantation. The honeybee colonies which were spreadly placed in coffee plantation significantly produced honey higher (P<0,01) than those in the center. Based on SWOT and sustainability analyses, the integrated honeybee-coffee plantation system was recommended to improve both honeybee and coffee production with a significantly high sustainability index.en
dc.description.abstractPeternakan lebah di Indonesia masih dihadapkan pada masalah utama yaitu rendahnya produksi madu, sekitar 1-3 kg per koloni per tahun, jauh lebih rendah dari produksi optimal sekitar 5-10 kg/koloni/tahun. Penyebab utama rendahnya produksi madu adalah kurang memadainya ketersediaan pakan dan rendahnya tingkat penguasaan teknologi budidaya lebah. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi madu secara efisien adalah dengan mengintegrasikan lebah madu dengan tanaman kopi penghasil nektar. Selain diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produksi madu, sistem integrasi juga mampu meningkatkan produktivitas kopi melebihi produksi saat ini 0.970 ton/ha. Hubungan timbal balik dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani dan sekaligus melestarikan lebah madu asli Indonesia. Informasi tentang sistem integrasi kebun kopi dan lebah madu (sinkolema) masih terbatas sehingga diperlukan suatu kajian mengenai budidaya lebah madu termasuk, daya dukung, produktivitas lebah dan kebun kopi, karakteristik morfometri dan tingkat keberlanjutannya. Data yang diperoleh digunakan untuk menerapkan sinkolema berbasis kawasan yang berorientasi pada peningkatan pendapatan petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan pola integrasi lebah madu dengan kebun kopi (Sinkolema) dengan memanfaatkan potensi dan sumberdaya lokal yang tersedia untuk peningkatan produktivitas koloni lebah madu dan ekonomi peternak lebah. Diharapkan pola ini memiliki tingkat keberlanjutan yang mampu memberdayakan petani kopi/peternak lebah dalam membudidayakan lebah madu yang efisien dalam suatu
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleProduktivitas lebah madu (Apis cerana) pada penerapan sistem integrasi dengan kebun kopiid
dc.titleThe effect of honeybee-coffee plantation integration on improving honey productivity of Apis ceranaen 2013-01-22 Edit: advisor, keyword
dc.subject.keywordApis cerana
dc.subject.keywordA. mellifera
dc.subject.keywordA. dorsata
dc.subject.keywordA. florea
dc.subject.keywordIndian honey bee

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