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Model kebijakan pengembangan usaha sapi perah skala mikro berwawasan lingkungan di Kabupaten Subang

dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Hermanto
dc.contributor.authorTampubolon, Petrus F.T.P.
dc.description.abstractUntil now, the development of micro-scale dairy cattle business in the District of Sagalaherang and Ciater of the Subang Regency not fully reached the desired level yet. This study intends to build a model of business development policy of the environmentally sound micro-scale dairy cattle in Subang Regency by using System Approach, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) with 253 respondents during 6 months (January to June 2011). Statistical tests of this study show that factors significantly associated (p-value Alpha  0.05) with the development of environmentally sound micro-scale dairy cattle business (USPSMWL) are: (1) frequency of attending breeding extension, (2) farmers’ knowledge, (3) breeding management behaviour; (4) time length to run the business; and (5) time allocated to manage the business each day. Based on AHP, the main strategy of developing USPSMWL is "improving the readiness of the community/farmers". Based on ISM, the key factor of developing USPSMWL is “harmonious team-work among farmers, bankers and government officials”. The model simulation result can give a description of the real system behaviour. Of the three formulated scenarios (optimistic, moderate, and pesimistic), the implementation of the optimistic scenario is the most appropriate one. This study concludes that the policy of USPSMWL development should be focused on: (a) strengthening harmonious cooperation among government institutions, (b) increasing community readiness, (c) designing spatial management for fodder availability, and (d) increasing the number of waste processed to produce bio-gas and organic fertilizer products, including the marketing of those products.en
dc.description.abstractTingkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan usaha sapi perah (USP) skala mikro di Kecamatan Sagalaherang dan Ciater Kabupaten Subang dalam periode 2005-2010 masih belum sepenuhnya memadai. Pertambahan populasi sapi per tahun sebesar 1% per tahun masih di bawah rata-rata nasional kurun waktu 1997- 2004 sebesar 1,29%. Di samping kecilnya pertambahan populasi sapi, juga mutu pengelolaan USP berwawasan lingkungan belum 100% baik. Proporsi USP yang memiliki lahan tanaman hijauan pakan ternak seluas 1.000 m2 per sapi masih belum ada. Proporsi USP yang mengelola limbah sapi (feses dan urin) menjadi biogas baru mencapai 25,94% dari 212 USP dengan cakupan pengguna gas ratarata 1 – 2 keluarga. Dengan demikian ratio jumlah USP dengan jumlah keluarga pengguna biogas saat ini baru 1 : 0,52; masih jauh lebih kecil dari ratio optimal yang dapat dicapai yaitu 1 : 4,17. Sementara itu proporsi USP yang mengolah limbah sapi menjadi pupuk organik, selain teknik biogas, juga masih di bawah 2%. Banyak upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten, bersama perbankan dan Koperasi Peternak Susu Bandung Utara (KPSBU) untuk mengembangkan USP ini termasuk penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi, namun masih bersifat parsial atau belum dengan pendekatan sistem sehingga hasil yang dicapai belum sepenuhnya sampai pada taraf yang
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectAnimal husbandryen
dc.subjectFries Hollanden
dc.subjectEnvironmentally sounden
dc.titleThe policy model of business development of the environmentally sound micro-scale dairy cattle in Subang Regencyen
dc.titleModel kebijakan pengembangan usaha sapi perah skala mikro berwawasan lingkungan di Kabupaten Subangid 2012-10-19 Edit: author, keyword

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