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Model pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir berkelanjutan berbasis REDD+ (studi kasus di wilayah pesisir Taman Nasional Sembilang, Kabupaten Banyuasin)

dc.contributor.advisorKusumastanto, Tridoyo
dc.contributor.advisorKusmana, Cecep
dc.contributor.advisorBoer, Rizaldi
dc.contributor.authorSadelie, Agus
dc.description.abstractIndonesia as an archipelagic developing country is a highly vulnerable to direct of climate change. Sea level rise could cause flooding, even predicted to sink some small islands. Meanwhile, the majority (68%) of Indonesia's population live in coastal areas with low adaptive capacity to face global climate change and high pressure to deforestation and degradation, that’s why the coastal become more vulnerable. Therefore, it is needed a new coastal resource management strategy based on the adoption of climate change such as REDD+. This study aimed to design a model of coastal resource management based on REDD+, as well as measuring the level of avoided emission, as the basis for carbon crediting assessment of mangrove forest resources based on the principle of payment for ecosystem services. The method used is the analysis of dynamic systems which is carried out single case multi-level analysis with the procedure "SAVE DYNAMIC": Spatial, Allometric equation, Valuation of Economic followed by analysis of the best economic allocation, and simulation modeling with two scenarios : business as usual (BAU model) and carbon crediting (model CC). Reference emission level (REL) is determined based on historical emissions from deforestation and forest degradation of Indonesia 2003-2006, and a combination of remote sensing (spatial data) and ground survey. Meanwhile, the predictions of future changes in forest cover is determined by a combination of historical data and modeling approach with a predictor of the rate of population. The estimation of forest biomass into carbon done by converting forest inventory data on the scale of the plot with the allometric equation at a high level of detail (Tier 2-3). The results showed that the management of the CC model scenario in the Sembilang National Park (SNP) has the potential for avoided emission of 1.15 MtCO2 yr-1 with the value of carbon credits on average 11.50 million USD yr-1 (assuming a carbon price 10 USD tCO2 -1). Meanwhile, cost of good sold of carbon is 8.05 USD tCO2 -1. Utilization of carbon crediting options and sylvofishery option with NPV of 8,487.77 million USD (3.6 times > NPV BAU). This could encourage employment opportunities for 100,410 workers (11 times > model BAU). With the CC model scenarios reflect SNP as a region which capable of conduct carbon sink sequestration of CO2 emissions. In addition, SNP has a potential for terrestrial carbon 109.36 MtCO2 over 25 years of management commitment period or an average of 4.37 MtCO2 yr-1. Cumulatively in 2020 SNP area will contribute to the achievement of GHG emission reduction of 72.03 MtCO2. If the assumption of the calculation of national emissions of Indonesia in 2020 by 2.6 GtCO2, emission reduction will reach 26% amounting to 0.676 GtCO2. Thus it can be predicted that the SNP coastal able to contribute GHG emission reduction to total Indonesian Government commitment about 10.65% in 2020 or 2.77% to total Indonesian emissions potential. However, if the SNP management is done by the current (business as usual), predicted a carbon source region, because of the released CO2 emissions (3.16 MtCO2 yr-1) is greater than the terrestrial carbon that can be absorbed (0.21 MtCO2 yr-1).en
dc.description.abstractPengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir memiliki peran penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya bagi masyarakat pesisir yang menempati hampir 68% wilayah Indonesia berada di wilayah ini. Mayoritas dari populasi ini berada pada kantongkantong kemiskinan yang berkaitan langsung dengan degradasi ekosistem mangrove, yang berakibat wilayah pesisir rentan (vulnerable) terhadap perubahan iklim global. Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan pemberdayaan masyarakatnya dalam hal peningkatan kapasitas adaptasi yaitu penyesuaian terhadap perubahan iklim itu. Sumberdaya pesisir khususnya ekosistem mangrove, memiliki fungsi dan peranan penting dalam kehidupan umat manusia, baik sebagai fungsi fisik, ekologis dan ekonomi. Dalam hal ini pengelolaan hutan mangrove merupakan hal penting, khususnya merehabilitasi dan mengkonservasi hutan mangrove untuk meningkatkan ketahanan (resilience) sistem pantai terhadap dampak perubahan iklim serta dapat menurunkan laju emisi CO2 di wilayah ini. Oleh karena itu, salah satu strategi pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir berbasis REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) merupakan alternatif pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir paling mutakhir untuk menurunkan laju emisi serta sekaligus juga merupakan alternatif pembangunan ekonomi baru dalam memanfaatkan potensi kredit karbon yang ada. Terdapat varian skema kredit karbon yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada saat ini. Salah satunya adalah melalui skema REDD+. REDD-plus merupakan kerangka kerja yang diperluas dengan memasukkan konservasi hutan, pengelolaan hutan lestari atau peningkatan cadangan karbon hutan serta meningkatkan serapan emisi melalui kegiatan penanaman pohon dan rehabilitasi lahan yang terdegradasi. Tujuannya agar partisipasi untuk menerapkan REDD+ semakin luas, serta untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada pihak-pihak yang sudah berupaya melindungi kelestarian
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCoastal resource management modelen
dc.subjectDynamic systemen
dc.subjectCarbon sinken
dc.titleSustainable coastal resource management model based on REDD+ (a case study in coastal region of Sembilang National Parken
dc.titleModel pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir berkelanjutan berbasis REDD+ (studi kasus di wilayah pesisir Taman Nasional Sembilang, Kabupaten Banyuasin)id 2013-01-22 Edit: keyword
dc.subject.keywordCoastal Resource Management
dc.subject.keywordSave dynamic
dc.subject.keywordClean Development Mechanism

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