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dc.contributor.authorKuramoto, T.
dc.contributor.authorBoediono, Arief
dc.contributor.authorSugioka, M.
dc.contributor.authorUmebayashi, T.
dc.contributor.authorFukuda Kimiko
dc.contributor.authorMotoishi, M.
dc.contributor.authorKomatsu, K.
dc.description.abstractThe success rate of ICSI in tenns of fertilization rate and resulting pregnancies using testicular spem1 was evaluated. Testicular biopsy was perfom1ed on t he hushands and the tissue was dissected followed by washing twice in modified human tuhal fluid medium. Ovarian stimulation wac; done by injection uf hMG after down­ regulation using GnRH analogue. The ICSI procedure was atrried out with fn-sh testicular spcnnatozoa following hy cultured in vitro of the zygote. •n,e average age of the wives treated was 34 years old. The number of oocytes retrieved was I 40 oocytcs of which 115 (t)2%) oocytc.'i in metaphase II stage. Fertilization rate of ICS l with testicular spem1 was 61% (70/115) with four zygotes showing three pronuclei. One to three of the hest developed embryos were trunsferred to the mothers on day two or three and resulted on 9 out off 17 (53%) patients were pregnant. ICSJ elf testicular sperm is a u•seful treatment for patient with uhstructive azoospermia 111 whom standard microsurgical procedures ure non feasible.en
dc.titlePregnancies from obstructive azoospermia patients after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with testicular spermatozoaen
dc.title.alternative10th World Congress on in vitro fertilization and assisted reproductionen

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