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Pengembangan tanaman hortikultura berbasis agroekologi pada lahan berlereng di Hulu Das Jeneberang, Sulawesi Selatan

dc.contributor.advisorSabiham, Supiandi
dc.contributor.advisorSutjahjo, Surjono Hadi
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study were to evaluate the land capability and suitability for horticultural crops, to determine the suitable forest management method to minimize the erosion, to determine the sustainability of horticultural crops farming, and to formulate model design of agroecology-based horticultural crops development on sloping land in upstream of Jeneberang watershed, South Sulawesi, conducted from April 2009 until December 2009. The first step of this study was determination of land capability using USDA method. The second step was determination of land suitability using FAO method. The third step was erotion prediction using USLE method. The forth step was sustainability analysis using Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS)-Rapfarm method. The last step was design the dynamical model using Stella 9.0.2 program analysis. Classes of land capability in upstream of Jeneberang watershed were class II, III, IV,VI and VII with limiting factors of drainage, root zone barrier, and erosion danger. Classes of actual land suitability for fruits commodity on land with elevation < 700 m above sea level (asl) were S2 and S3, with limiting factors of nutrient retention, root medium and erosion danger, and classes of potential land suitability were S1, S2, and S3. Classes of actual land suitability for vegetables commodity (potato, mustard, carrot, cabbage, and scallion) with elevation ≥ 700 m asl were S2, S3, and N, limiting factors of nutrient retention, root medium and erosion danger, and classes of potential land suitability were S1, S2, and S3. Erosion happened in upstream of Jeneberang watershed was 2.57 ton/ha/year until 5.764,82 ton/ha/year. Farming sustainability index of fruits about 41,90 – 54,41 and vegetables about 39,58 – 64,85. Ecology, economy, institution, and technology dimensions include to enough sustainable category, whereas social dimension include to less sustainable category. Result of leverage Rap-farm analysis showed that in 43 attributes, 9 attributes were sensitive to affect fruits farming and 23 attributes were sensitive to vegetables farming. Dynamical model simulation of fruits horticultural development showed erosion reduction, productivity and sales value improvement in year of 10, whereas vegetables commodity in year of 9. Moderate and optimistic scenario more effective in decreasing erosion and increasing productivity and sales value. Model scenario simulation in 2020 for rambutan commodity, erosion prediction at moderate scenario was 3,35 ton/ha/year, and optimistic scenario was 2,56 ton/ha/year, productivity was 6.222,3 kg/ha with sales value Rp. 34.512.298. Model scenario simulation in 2019 for potato commodity, erosion prediction that happened at moderate scenario was 27,80 ton/ha/year, and optimistic scenario was 21,07 ton/ha/year, productivity was 8.724,43 kg/ha with sales value Rp. 34.897.720. Base on, moderate scenario can use of development of agroecological based horticultural crops in Gowa Regency.en
dc.description.abstractPembangunan pertanian menjadi prioritas utama dalam pembangunan wilayah berorientasi agribisnis, berproduktivitas tinggi, efisien, berkerakyatan, dan berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian ditentukan oleh lingkungan tempat tumbuh komoditas pertanian seperti tanaman pangan, hortikultura, perkebunan, dan peternakan. Agroekosistem atau faktor biofisik seperti jenis tanah dan iklim (intensitas cahaya, curah hujan, kelembaban, dan suhu) dapat menjadi peluang dan/atau masalah dalam pengembangan pertanian, bergantung kepada kemampuan petani dan pelaku agribisnis lainnya dalam menggunakan teknologi pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam. Budidaya tanaman hortikultura di lahan dataran tinggi yang berlereng dihadapkan kepada faktor pembatas biofisik seperti lereng yang relatif curam, kepekaan tanah terhadap longsor dan erosi, curah hujan yang relatif tinggi, dan lain-lain. Kesalahan dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya lahan di daerah ini dapat menimbulkan kerusakan atau cekaman biofisik berupa degradasi kesuburan tanah dan ketersediaan air yang dampaknya tidak hanya dirasakan oleh masyarakat di lahan dataran tinggi, tetapi juga di dataran rendah di
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectHorticultural developmenten
dc.subjectSloping landen
dc.subjectDynamic modelen
dc.titleDevelopment of agroecological based horticultural crops on sloping land in Upstream of Jeneberang Watershed, South Sulawesien
dc.titlePengembangan tanaman hortikultura berbasis agroekologi pada lahan berlereng di Hulu Das Jeneberang, Sulawesi Selatanid
dc.subject.keywordSouth Sulawesi

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