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Sebaran dan Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana di Kota Tangerang Selatan

dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Setia
dc.contributor.advisorGandasasmita, Komarsa
dc.contributor.authorRachmawati, Nia
dc.description.abstractThe expansion and development requires infrastructures in order to serve and support the activities in various sectors between regions. Integrated infrastructure system serves as the wheels of activities to spread and serve the needs of the region. The successful of regional development could be visible from the spreading infrastructure to serves region needs. Identification of spreading infrastructure could be visible from the amount of infrastructure require needs. Infrastructure related to distance and travel time. Number of Spreading, distance and travel time service on scale of region became the scenario planning the location of the region infrastructure. Indicator of region progress could be visible from the integrated infrastructure. The purpose of this study are to identify spread of infrastructure, to evaluate the availability of the infrastructure, to analyze the access to the infrastructure, to learn the strategies of infrastructure development. The methods of This research are using the digitization of land use/land cover, calculating the spread of infrastructure based on population, spatial analyzing to access point and service areas and SWOT analyzing. The infrastructure that analyzed are : water supply, electricity, roads, basic education, public health, waste management, commercial and trade. The results of the analysis show the number of water spreadings in South Tangerang City located in North Serpong district are 5 points in Serpong district, 1 point in district Setu. The number of transmission substation’s spreadings are 71 points in region South Tangerang City. Spreading basic education, public health and waste management evenly in southern Tangerang City. Commercial and trade concentrated in one location. Analysis Descriptive use to view availability of water supply in service area including Serpong district, Alam Sutera and Bintaro Jaya sector 9. Six districts in South Tangerang City are not provided water from taps. The increasing number of substations spreading are needed to prevent transmission down during peak hour. Increasing secondary collector roads are needed to support the movement and distribution between regions. Improving health clinic service areas as public health infrastructure at the lowest level . The amount of TPS is evenly distributed, but it still needs to increase capacities. Zoning is needed to limit the area of services trade and trade infrastructure. Several access point of infrastructure do not have better access point and wide service area. Strategic infrastructure development need priority: expand service area, improve quality and management, improved human resource expertise, utilize natural resource, support local government policy needed.en
dc.description.abstractPengembangan dan pembangunan memerlukan sarana prasarana untuk mendukung dan melayani aktifitas berbagai sektor antar wilayah. Sistem sarana prasarana terpadu berfungsi sebagai roda kegiatan, menyebarkan dan melayani kebutuhan wilayah. Keberhasilan pembangunan wilayah terlihat dari sebaran sarana prasarana yang dapat melayani kebutuhan wilayah. Kota Tangerang Selatan merupakan pemekaran wilayah kabupaten Tangerang. Kota memerlukan sarana prasarana wilayah untuk menjalankan kegiatan dan aktifitas penduduk. Sarana prasarana wilayah berfungsi melayani melayani kegiatan dan aktifitas penduduk diberbagai sektor terutama: ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Ketersediaan sarana prasarana menjadi faktor penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut. Identifikasi sebaran sarana prasarana diperlukan untuk mengetahui jumlah sarana prasarana yang diperlukan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan wilayah. Kemudahan pencapaian ke sarana prasarana menjadi perhatian utama terkait jarak dan waktu tempuh. Jarak dan waktu tempuh berdampak kepada pelayanan sarana prasarana. Jumlah sebaran, jarak layanan dan waktu tempuh pada skala wilayah menjadi skenario untuk menyusun perencanaan lokasi sarana prasarana wilayah. Memperhatikan uraian diatas maka dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan: (1) Mengidentifikasi sebaran sarana prasarana di Kota Tangerang Selatan, (2) Mengevaluasi ketersediaan sarana prasarana di Kota Tangerang Selatan, (3) Menganalisis akses pencapaian menuju sarana prasarana di Kota Tangerang Selatan, (4) Mengetahui strategi pengembangan sarana prasarana di Kota Tangerang
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectaccess pointen
dc.titleSpreading and availability infrastructure in The South Tangerang Cityen
dc.titleSebaran dan Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana di Kota Tangerang Selatanid

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