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Kajian kandungan bioaktif dan zat gizi propolis serta efek imunomodulator terhadap Sel T CD8+ pada pasien kanker payudara

dc.contributor.advisorSutandyo, Noorwati
dc.contributor.advisorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorHalim, Eliza
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were to analyze bioactive compound of Indonesian Propolis (IP) compare with Brazilian Propolis (BP), nutrient content, antioxidant activity and safety (LD50) of IP, the effect of the propolis on inhibition of MCF7 human breast cancer cell line and immunomodulatory effect of propolis to produce T cell CD8+ in breast cancer blood patients. The bioactive compound and nutrient content analyzed by HPLC and GCMS, antioxidant activity was analyzed with DPPH method by using spectrophotometer. The safety of IP was determined through animal assay using 40 DDY mices, the inhibition of MCF7 was determined in vitro through MTT assay and immunomodulatory effect analyzes by clinical trial on breast cancer patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital. This study was conducted in Jabodetabek. The results showed that the bioactive compound, nutrient content, antioxidant activity and MCF7 inhibition capacity of IP are different from BP, the MCF7 inhibition capacity of IP is better than BP eventhough antioxidant activity of IP lower than BP. The bioactive compound in IP are fenol compounds, α amyrin and cylolanost, eudesmane, ethyl acridine, lupeol, friedooleanan and pyrimidine and bioactive compounds of BP are α Amyrin, β Amyrin, hydrocinnamic ethyl ester, Cyclolanost, fenol compound and pyrimidine. IP could inhibit MCH7 human breast cancer cell line proliferation stronger than BP. The safety study of IP showed that IP is safe to be consume by human. A human intervension study with duration 21 days supplemention Indonesian propolis 3x300 mg/day conducted in Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta. The study was applied Completely Randomized Design, there were 2 group with 15 patient breast cancer each, 1 group intervension. and 1 group placebo. Ten patients were drop out during the treatment, therefore only 20 patients were fulfilled the criteria of analysis. Ethical clearence was obtained from University of Indonesia. After 21 days the result showed: Indonesian propolis intervension significant affected CD8+ absolut and CD8+ % level in breast cancer patient’s blood, the conclusion of this clinical study is Indonesian propolis improve immune function in breast cancer patients because Indonesian propolis has an action as immunomodulator.en
dc.description.abstractyang harus dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang cukup untuk dapat hidup sehat. Selain mengandung zat gizi, makanan mengandung komponen lain dalam jumlah kecil yang mempunyai khasiat atau manfaat untuk kesehatan atau pengobatan penyakit. Komponen tersebut berupa komponen bioaktif yang dapat berupa metabolit sekunder atau komponen lain yang secara keseluruhannya dikenal sebagai nutraceutical. Propolis merupakan salah satu sumber zat gizi dan nutraceutical alami yang berasal dari substrat resin yang dikumpulkan lebah dari sari tunas daun dan kulit batang tanaman yang dicampur dengan enzim dan lilin dari sarang lebah. Propolis sudah digunakan sejak 300 SM sebagai obat untuk menyembuhkan kulit yang luka karena mempunyai efek antiinflamasi. Propolis mempunyai kandungan gizi mikro yang bernilai tinggi yaitu vitamin (A, B, C), mineral (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Cu, dan Zn) dan enzim (suksinat dehidrogenase). Kandungan aktif yang diketahui terkandung dalam propolis adalah polifenol (flavonoid, asam fenolat dan esternya), terpenoid, steroid, dan asam amino. Flavonoid merupakan zat yang diketahui banyak terdapat pada tumbuh-tumbuhan dan mempunyai efek antioksidan dalam mengikat radikal Propolis diketahui mempunyai kandungan flavonoid yang tinggi Kandungan antioksidan lainnya yang juga ditemui dalam propolis adalah vitamin A, C, E dan mineral
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBioactive compounden
dc.subjectAntioxidant nutrienten
dc.titleBioactive compounds and nutrients content of propolis and immunomodulator effect to CD8+ T Cell in breast cancer patienten
dc.titleKajian kandungan bioaktif dan zat gizi propolis serta efek imunomodulator terhadap Sel T CD8+ pada pasien kanker payudaraid 2013-01-23 Edit: advisor, keyword

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