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Konstruksi Kode Linear Biner Optimal Kuat Berjarak Minimum 9 dan 11

dc.contributor.advisorGuritman, Sugi
dc.contributor.advisorMas'oed, Teduh Wulandari
dc.contributor.authorHadi Utomo, Putranto
dc.description.abstractA binary linear code of length n over q F is a subspace of n q F . A code has three parameters that attached to it, namely length, dimension, and minimum distance. A code with length n, dimension k and minimum distance d is often called [n, k, d ]-code. Usually, when two parameters are given, then we want to find a code that has the best value for the last parameter. Based on Gilbert- Varshamov bound, if a [n, k, d ]-code exists and can not be expanded, we call it a strongly optimal code. In this paper, we construct strongly optimal code with minimum distance 9 and 11. In constructing the code, we created a theorem and algorithm based on Gilbert-Varshamov bound before we implement the algorithm to MAPLE programming language. Because of computational limitations, the program can only construct up to k = 10 for d = 9 and k = 12 for d = 11.en
dc.description.abstractMedia informasi, seperti sistem komunikasi dan media penyimpanan untuk data, tidak sepenuhnya reliabel. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa pada praktiknya ada gangguan (noise) atau interferensi lainnya sehingga pesan yang dikirim berubah (terdapat error pada pesan). Salah satu masalah dalam teori koding (coding theory) adalah untuk mendeteksi atau bahkan mengoreksi galat (error) tersebut. Suatu kode (code) diciptakan untuk mendeteksi atau mengoreksi galat akibat saluran yang
dc.subjectbinary linear codeen
dc.subjectGilbert Varshamov bounden
dc.subjectstrongly optimal codeen
dc.titleConstruction of Strongly Optimal Binary Linear Code with Minimum Distance 9 and 11en
dc.titleKonstruksi Kode Linear Biner Optimal Kuat Berjarak Minimum 9 dan 11id

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