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Pengaruh pemberian zat gizi mikro terhadap status besi dan kebugaran fisik pekerja wanita usia subur

dc.contributor.advisorKhomsan, Ali
dc.contributor.advisorSukandar, Dadang
dc.contributor.advisorRiyadi, Hadi
dc.contributor.authorIndriani, Yaktiworo
dc.description.abstractNowadays, there are many companies employing women as their main workers. In general, the aims of the study are to examine the influence of micronutrients on iron status (hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum ferritin and serum transferin receptor), and to assess the physical fitness (VO2max) of woman workers whose hemoglobin levels were 80 to 125 g/l or marginal and worked at the activity levels classified as moderate to active. The preliminary research was conducted by a survey method with a sample size of 338 households. This research employed an experimental design of double blind, completely randomized design. The experimental unit, taken from the preliminary study, consisted of 39 non-pregnant woman workers of reproductive age whose hemoglobin levels were 80 to 125 g/l or marginal. However, five of them were drop out due to pregnancy or sickness. The treatments applied in the study were by providing three levels of capsules containing: (1) a combination of iron and folic acid (BF), (2) multi-vitamin and mineral (MVM) which contains 15 different vitamins and minerals, and (3) placebo (P) which does not contain vitamins and minerals. The research result showed that the iron status of the woman workers was getting better after the supplementation. The three times per week supplementation with BF could significantly improve Hb 18.2 g/l and SF 10.1 ug/l, while the MVM could increase Hb 16.4 g/l and SF 2.4 ug/l. The increase of Hb levels in group BF and MVM was significantly different from that in group P, but the increase of SF levels was not significantly different among the three groups. The supplements of BF and MVM could significantly improve the physical fitness (VO2max) of the anemia (Hb<120 g/l) woman workers by 12.5% and 13.7%.en
dc.description.abstractPekerja wanita usia subur (WUS) selama ini merupakan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang utama di banyak industri, terutama industri pengolahan pangan yang pekerjaannya masih banyak dilakukan secara manual. Namun, secara umum status gizi dan kesehatan pekerja WUS di Indonesia belum banyak diperhatikan. Secara umum penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian zat gizi mikro terhadap status besi (hemoglobin, hematokrit serta serum feritin dan tranferin reseptor) dan kebugaran fisik (VO2maks) pekerja wanita yang anemia yang tingkat aktivitas bekerjanya tergolong sedang sampai aktif. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, di perusahaan pengalengan nanas yang terletak di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung. Perusahaan tersebut memiliki perkebunannya sendiri, sehingga terjamin bahan bakunya dan dapat berproduksi secara kontinyu. Tahap pertama penelitian adalah studi pendahuluan yang merupakan bagian dari penelitian payung yang berjudul Study on the Nutritional Status and Physical Fitness of the Non Pregnant Woman Workers to Support the Household Socio-Economy (Studi Status Gizi dan Kebugaran Fisik Pekerja Wanita Usia Subur Tidak Hamil dalam Mendukung Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga). Secara umum studi pendahuluan bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis status gizi dan kesehatan, prevalensi anemia, kebugaran fisik serta karakteristik sosial ekonomi rumah tangga pekerja wanita tidak sedang hamil yang bekerja di perusahaan pengalengan nanas tersebut di atas. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan menggunakan metode survai yang melibatkan 338 sampel rumah tangga pekerja
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe effect of micronutrient supplementation on the iron status and physical fitness of the woman workers at reproductive ageen
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian zat gizi mikro terhadap status besi dan kebugaran fisik pekerja wanita usia suburid 2013-01-04 Edit: Author, keyword
dc.subject.keywordWoman workers
dc.subject.keywordReproductive age
dc.subject.keywordIron status
dc.subject.keywordPhysical fitness
dc.subject.keywordEstimated average requirement
dc.subject.keywordTotal iron binding capacity

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