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dc.contributor.authorLatifah, Melly
dc.contributor.authorUlfa, Maria
dc.description.abstractThe aims of the study were to analyze characteristics of feeding practices, nutrition knowledge, perception, and vegetable eating habit; and to analyze relationship between each aspects among housewives in urban and rural areas. The result showed that feeding practices, nutrition knowledge, and perception of samples were categorized as moderate level. There were significant differences on perception and quality of vegetable eaten by samples in urban and rural areas, the scores of them of samples in urban area (75.9 and 70.4) were higher than scores in rural area (71.1 and 52.8). There were positive correlations (p< 0.05) between education level and perception of samples in urban; and between feeding practice and perception of samples in rural; and also between nutrition knowledge and perception of samples in urban and rural areas. However, there were no correlations between feeding practices and nutrition knowledge; and between perception and vegetables eating frequency of samples both in urban and rural areas.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvegetable eating habitsen
dc.subjectnutrition knowledgeen
dc.subjectfeeding practiceen
dc.titleHubungan pola asuh makan, pengetahuan gizi, persepsi, dengan kebiasaan makan sayuran ibu rumahtangga di perkotaan dan pedesaan Bogoren

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