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Kajian Peran dan Kinerja Bank Pemerintah Terhadap Pembiayaan Sektor Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia

dc.contributor.advisorSyamsun, M
dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma’mun
dc.contributor.authorMarendra, Welly
dc.description.abstractAccording government regulation number 10, year 1998 about Banking, Bank is defined as of business entity in which saving money and distributing it in loans and other structure which is the main aims is to improve living standard of people.As financing becomes one of its functions, Bank provides a strategic role in supporting business development. Small and Medium Enterprise is one of the alternative lending sector, especially after economic crisis in 1997. At third quarter of 2010, SME - loans outstanding reached IDR 929.3 Trilion and dominated 56% of whole banks loan. Reviewed based on type of usage, 68% are consumer loan, 26% are working capital loan, and 6% are investment loan. Reviewed by type of usage, consumer loan are categorized by Indonesian central banks as a type of SME loan. But unfortunately, the implementation shows that consumer loan is not used as a capital for SME.The purposes of this study are : (1) Evaluate the real loan SME’s performance of the state-owned bank; (2) Describes the perspective of consumer loan which is not part of the SME financing structure; (3) Analize the effect of average lending rates and non performing loan of state banks to the performance of SME loan of state-own banks.Data of this study fully utilize secondary data through literature conducted by the overall library collection that are relevant to the research. Whereas data and information used in this study is mostly from a regional financial and statistical data (SEKDA), Indonesian banking statistics (SEKI), Bank Indonesia and ministry of cooperations and small and medium enterprises Statistics. Methods of the analysis of this research are using quantitative analysis and multiple linear regression. The result of the research describes this condition : 1) The Performance of state-owned bank in delivering loan to SME sector has not been optimal and yet provide a significant contribution and positive impact to SME development through capital assistance, by the following reason : a. State-owned bank loan of SME sector reached only 11% of total banks loan; b. Compared with other banks (non-state owned banks) , share of SME loan of state-owned banks (11%) less then share of national private banks which is reached 12% of total outstanding loan of national banks; c. Reviewed of total outstanding loan in each category, state-owned bank is only able to grab third position, government-owned banks only have a 24% share of total outstanding loan, this suggests that the total outstanding loan of state-owned bank are smaller compared to the 30% shares owned by BPR and 29% shares owned by National Private Bank; d. Based on research result, the outstanding of SME loan provided by stated-owned banks, 60 % is dominated by consumer loan, which is based on its usage, this consumer loan can not be classified as SME loan accroding to the definition of the Government Regulation No. 20, year 2008 about SME; e. The analysis of the average lending rate and the number of non-performing loan (NPL) factor toward state- owned bank of SME lending performance showed that both factors are not simultaneously affected but only partially affected (Average interest rates have a significant effect).en
dc.description.abstractBank merupakan lembaga keuangan yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian terutama dalam sistem pembayaran moneter. Secara umum bank didefinisikan sebagai lembaga keuangan yang usaha pokoknya menghimpunan dana dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit serta memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran dan peredaran uang. Menurut undang-undang No. 10 tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan, bank didefinisikan sebagai Badan Usaha yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan menyalurkannya kembali dalam bentuk pinjaman (kredit) dan bentuk lainnya dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup orang banyak. Dalam menjalankan salah satu fungsinya yaitu menyalurkan dana dalam bentuk pinjaman (Kredit), Bank memberikan peranan yang strategis dalam mendukung pengembangan usaha di berbagai sektor. Sektor UMKM menjadi salah satu alternatif penyaluran kredit perbankan terutama pasca krisis ekonomi tahun 1997. Triwulan III/2010, baki debet kredit Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) mencapai IDR 929.3 T atau 56 % dari total kredit perbankan. Ditinjau Berdasarkan jenis penggunaannya, sebesar 68% merupakan Kredit Konsumsi, 26% digunakan sebagai kredit modal kerja dan 6% sebagai kredit Investasi. Ditinjau dari jenis penggunaan, Kredit Konsumsi dikategorikan oleh Bank Indonesia sebagai jenis kredit sektor UMKM. Dalam implementasinya, Kredit Konsumsi tidak digunakan sebagai modal usaha kredit Usaha Kecil dan
dc.subjectsmall and medium enterpriseen
dc.subjectstate-owned banken
dc.title“Study of Role and Performance State-owned Bank Toward Financing of Small and Medium Enterprise”en
dc.titleKajian Peran dan Kinerja Bank Pemerintah Terhadap Pembiayaan Sektor Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesiaid

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