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Penggunaan analisis kanonik untuk mengetahui pola hubungan antara nilai ujian nasional, nilai ujian sekolah dan nilai rapor (Studi kasus di SMA Budhi Warman II Jakarta)

dc.contributor.advisorSusetyo, Budi
dc.contributor.advisorWigena, Aji Hamim
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Saut Sahputra
dc.description.abstractSeveral previous studies about Scores Of National Exam concluded that Scores of School Exam and Progress Report, were the factors that influence Scores Of National Exam . It makes the writer interested in knowing the pattern of relationship among Scores Of National Exam, Scores of School Exam and Progress Report. The method can investigate the relationship of two set of data namely the analysis of canonical variables. Canonical analysis is a statistical technique that can be used to identify the relationship between the two set variables with the principle of forming a linear combination of each set variables so that the correlation between the two sets of these variables into a maximum. This study used primary and secondary data obtained from SMA Budhi Warman 2 Jakarta. Canonical analysis is used to look at the pattern of the relationship among Scores Of National Exam , the Scores of School Exam and Progress Report. Based on the results, it was obtained that only one canonical function that was signinificantly correlated between Scores Of National Exam and Progress Report with R2 canonical correlation was 32 %. In this relationship, scores of Physics National Exam was a set of variable that most influence to the first canonical function and Scores of English progress Report was a set of variable that most influence to the first canonical function. Besides that, the correlation between Scores Of National Exam and Progress Report Non UN was not significantly correlated. Then, it resulted that there were two significant canonical function in relationship between Scores Of National Exam and Scores of School Exam with R2 canonical correlation was 31 % and 28 %. In the first canonical, the most influence were scores of Biology National Exam and Physics Progress Report. While on the second canonical function, it was the scores of Physics National exam and Indonesian Language Progress Report.en
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan mutu pendidikan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan perbaikan, perubahan dan pembaharuan terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pendidikan. Salah satu indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan pendidikan yaitu hasil belajar siswa. Untuk mengevaluasi hasil belajar, pemerintah melaksanakan ujian nasional yang merupakan kegiatan pengukuran dan penilaian kompetensi peserta didik secara nasional pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan penelitian untuk memodelkan ujian nasional dengan menggunakan beberapa metode. Salah satu metode yang dapat menyelidiki hubungan antara dua gugus peubah adalah analisis kanonik. Analisis kanonik merupakan teknik statistika yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan di antara dua gugus peubah dengan prinsip membentuk suatu kombinasi linier dari setiap gugus peubah sedemikian sehingga korelasi di antara kedua gugus peubah tersebut menjadi maksimum. Dari beberapa penelitian tentang ujian nasional tersebut, nilai ujian sekolah dan nilai semester atau nilai rapor termasuk faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap nilai ujian nasional. Hasil penelitian tersebut, digunakan untuk mengetahui pola hubungan antara Nilai Ujian Nasional (NUN), Nilai Ujian Sekolah (NUS) dan Nilai Rapor (NR).id
dc.subjectCanonical Analysisen
dc.subjectScores of National Examen
dc.subjectscores of School Examen
dc.subjectProgress Reporten
dc.titleThe uses of canonical analysis to know the pattern of relationship among scores of national exam , scores of school exam , and progress report (Case study at SMA Budhi Warman II Jakarta)en
dc.titlePenggunaan analisis kanonik untuk mengetahui pola hubungan antara nilai ujian nasional, nilai ujian sekolah dan nilai rapor (Studi kasus di SMA Budhi Warman II Jakarta)id

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