Marketing Strategy of Toy Products Made of Wooden Waste at PT Safira Tumbuh Berkembang
Strategi Pemasaran Produk Mainan Anak-Anak dari Limbah Kayu PT. Safira Tumbuh Berkembang
After year such a natural resources as wood becomes rare, so its use needs to be to the most efficient way, in line with it, wooden waste use becomes important. This condition occurs in West Java Province, so that wooden waste from sawing and furniture industries are used to the maximum way. One of the companies which processes and makes use of the wooden waste to be children toys of economical value in Bogor is PT Safira Tumbuh Berkembang (PT STB), established in 1993. The research objectives are (1) to identify factors that influence a consumer’s decision making process in purchasing a children toy made of wooden waste, and (2) to set a recommended marketing strategy to develop the business of toy products from wooden waste. The population In this research is students’ parents and teachers of 10 kindergartens in the City of Bogor. The sampling method is carried out with purposive sampling. From each kindergarten a sample of 6 respondents comprising 3 parents and 3 teachers is taken, in order to make the total number of respondents of regarding 60 people Thurstone analysis method. Based on the research result, it is known that the factors that influence a consumer’s decision making process in purchasing a children toy are brand, products variety, quality itself, educational element attractiveness, promotion, pricing, marketing location and the access to the location. Later on, based on Thurstone analysis on priority attribute, the following results are acquired in order from the most prioritized by the consumers: brand (0.62), pricing (0.56), new design (0.50), bright color attractiveness (0.29), quality/durability (0.26), educational element attractiveness (0.20), design variation (0.15), promotion (0.04) and the access to get the toy (0.00) From the above analysis, the marketing strategy to do are as follows: 1) to lower the price of 9.34% of the set price, 2) To improve a new design in accordance with educational content element and bright colors combination on the toy, 3) to maintain the quality in accordance with the market segment. 4) To develop promotion through direct interaction between sellers and the targets (personal selling) in a potential kindergarten as well as 5) To develop selling points through cooperation with children toy stores in malls/shopping centers. Semakin tahun sumberdaya alam berupa kayu semakin berkurang, sehingga perlu pemanfaatan kayu seefisien mungkin, seiring dengan hal tersebut pemanfaatan limbah kayu menjadi penting. Hal yang sama juga terjadi di provinsi Jawa Barat, sehingga pemanfaatan kayu limbah dari industri pengergajian, meubel, dan furniture dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin. Salah satu perusahaan yang mengolah dan memanfaatkan limbah kayu menjadi bernilai ekonomis yang berada di Bogor adalah PT. Safira Tumbuh Berkembang (PT. STB). PT STB berdiri tahun 1993 dan mengelola limbah kayu dalam bentuk aneka produk mainan anak-anak dengan keunggulan motif flora dan fauna serta terdapat unsur pendidikan seperti mainan bongkar pasang (Puzzle),mainan memasukkan lempeng ke lobang, dengan jumlah desain yang dipasarkan saat ini sekitar 31 jenis dan jumlah tenaga kerja 24 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian mainan anak dari limbah kayu, dan (2) menyusun strategi pemasaran yang direkomendasikan untuk pengembangan usaha mainan anak-anak dari limbah kayu.
- MT - Professional Master [901]