Characteristics of Web Navigation Customer’s Releationship of Shofia Toys Spending Online
Karakteristik Navigasi Web Pelanggan Shofia toys Dalam kaitan Pembelanjaan Secara Online
Strategy through the Internet perceived by Shofia Toys considerable breakthrough innovative and effective. This is quite interesting given the current assessed Shofia Toys launches online shopping since 2003 until now, the Shofia Toys also remain open them offline sales channels (conventional stores). Companies need to know the extent marketing strategies trough offline dan online be done simultaneously so as to increase revenue. Further information obtained from the study results will be input (input) for Shofia Toys to be able to focus with both strategies. To maintain its business, Toys Shofia requires an assessment of the extent to which the characteristics of e-commerce customers Shofia Toys so via online sales can continue to grow and increase revenue. The purpose of this study were (1) Know the characteristics of customers who shop online at sites Shofia Toys. (2) Determine the characteristics of customers who do not shop online at sites Shofia Toys. Quantitative data obtained through filling the questionnaire will be processed and analyzed by tabulating the data, as well as the calculation of average and discriminant analysis. The results of the analysis of respondent data will be obtained information about the characteristics of respondents and pengelompokanya, as well as the characteristics of each group. Characteristics of respondents will be grouped by: (a) demographic categories, (b) Internet usage patterns, (c) web navigation behavior, (d) information search behavior, (e) Internet usage experience, (f) success rate of finding the product, (g) the time required to find the desired WEB, (h) type of product information sought, (i) online experience is not satisfactory, (j) frequency of visits to online shops that exist. Useful information about the characteristics of respondents to understand the types and characteristics Shofia Toys online customers, so companies can determine the development strategy and performance improvement right products. Further data analysis will be done by using the method of discriminant analysis to determine the dominant characteristics of the type of customer who buys and who does not buy, and how important (significant) relationship of each customer's characteristics. Based on the results obtained by discriminant analysis of four indicators that distinguish or affecting the characteristics of shopping at Toys Shofia customer web navigation, which is gender, age, ethnic, degree, salary, frequency of online. Strategi pemasaran produk melalui internet dirasakan oleh pihak manajemen Shofia Toys sebagai salah satu terobasan yang cukup inovatif sekaligus efektif. Hal ini cukup menarik dikaji mengingat saat Shofia Toys meluncurkan online shopping sejak tahun 2003 sampai saat ini, pihak Shofia Toys pun tetap membuka jalur penjualan secara offline (toko konvensional). Perusahaan perlu mengetahui sejauh mana strategi pemasaran melalui offline dan online dilakukan secara bersamaan sehingga dapat meningkatkan revenue perusahaan. Selanjutnya informasi yang diperoleh dari hasil kajian akan menjadi masukan (input) untuk perusahaan Shofia Toys untuk dapat fokus dengan kedua strategi tersebut. Untuk mempertahankan bisnisnya, Shofia Toys memerlukan suatu kajian sejauh mana karakteristik pelanggan e-commerce Shofia Toys sehingga penjualan melalui online dapat terus berkembang dan dapat meningkatkan revenue. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui karakteristik pelanggan yang berbelanja secara online di situs Shofia Toys. (2) Mengetahui karakteristik pelanggan yang tidak berbelanja secara online di situs Shofia Toys.
- MT - Professional Master [887]