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dc.contributor.authorFuri, Amelia Eka
dc.contributor.authorLatifoh, Melly
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to learn about the perception, level of stress, and coping strategy of mothers in poor family who receive direct cash subsidy toward the increasement of petroleum price in Cikarawang village, Dramaga sub-district of Bogor regency. The design used in this research project was cross-sectional study. This research was done in Cikarawang village, in March 2006. More than half samples had adequate perception toward the increment of petroleum price. More than half samples undergone the mild stage of stress. The most coping strategy done by samples was inclined to emotion-focused coping (EFC). According to the type of coping strategy, it was obtained that almost half samples did coping strategy type D (high PFC and high EFC). There was a significant connection between the level of stress and perception which samples had, then the less stress would undergo the samples. The quantity of coping strategydone by samples wais influenced by their perception and working statusen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectfuel priceen
dc.subjectdirect cash subsidyen
dc.subjectcoping strategyen
dc.subjectlevel of stressen
dc.titlePersepsi, tingkat stres dan strategi koping ibu keluarga miskin penerima BLT terhadap kenaikan harga BBM (Studi di Desa Cikarawang, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor)en

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