Marketing Strategy Analysis of Woven Fiber, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java Province
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Tenun Serat, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Subagyo, Hari
Djoefrie, Muhammad Hasjim Bintoro
Hutagaol, Parulian
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Currently small and medium business sector increasingly stretched as the support of the national economy. It is seen from experience that is able to get through the crisis that ever happened in this country. The development of infrastructure to support community life are now under way into the land and provide equal employment opportunity for all types of businesses. Potential weaving industry nationally as one of the SMEs so far have not unearthed the maximum due to the development of production management systems. PT. Retota Way is one of the local weaving company located in Pekalongan, founded in 1988. Situation of intense competition and must be faced by PT. Retota Sakti has prompted company management to enhance the creative abilities tenunnya always accompanied by the application of more precise marketing strategies that correspond with the development of competition situation that occurred in the weaving industry. The purpose of this study was (1) internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) for the development of PT. Retota Sakti, (2) analyze how marketing strategies are implemented today and should be taken in the future. Analyzed in a descriptive study to emphasize the aspect of Marketing., Covering demand products to meet market needs; offer, which gives an overview about the availability of products in the process of cultivation and the balance of factors between demand and supply prices. To examine the marketing strategies carried out by quantitative SWOT analysis. The results of factor identification strategy, there are five key factors of internal strengths and weaknesses of four key factors. While the external environment there are five key factors of opportunities and threats of five factors. IFE values 2.842 and 2.530 EFE value. The combination of these two values in the matrix IE indicates that the marketing strategy lies in the quadrant of five, namely the growth and stability, where the strategies that can run the market penetration, product developmentand market. The results of SWOT analysis for PT. Sakti Retota obtained alternative strategies may be applied, a combination of (1) Strategy SO, (2) Strategy WO, (3) ST Strategies, (4) Strategies WT. QSP is based on matrix calculations obtained the most attractive strategy to be applied is the marketing aspect, namely to expand market share in major Indonesian cities by utilizing the media campaign with a total value of 5.218 appeal. Saat ini sektor Usaha kecil menengah semakin menggeliat sebagai penopang ekonomi nasional. Hal tersebut terlihat dari pengalaman yang mampu melewati masa krisis yang pernah menimpa di negeri ini. Perkembangan infrastruktur untuk menunjang kehidupan masyarakat saat ini sedang berjalan menjadi lahan dan memberikan kesempatan kerja yang sama bagi semua jenis usaha yang ada. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik tolak perkembangan dunia usaha kecil untuk dapat menjadi lebih besar. Tenun merupakan salah satu seni budaya kain tradisional lndonesia yang diproduksi di berbagai wilayah di seluruh Nusantara, Tenun memiliki makna, nilai sejarah, dan teknik yang tinggi dari segi warna, motif, dan jenis bahan serta benang yang digunakan dan tiap daerah memiliki ciri khas masing-masing. Tenun sebagai salah satu warisan budaya tinggi (heritage) merupakan kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia, dan mencerminkan jati diri bangsa. Oleh sebab itu, tenun baik dari segi teknik produksi, desain dan produk yang dihasilkan harus dijaga dan dilestarikan keberadaannya, serta dimasyarakatkan kembali penggunaannya. Potensi industri tenun nasional sebagai salah satu UKM sampai saat ini belum tergali secara maksimal akibat tidak berkembangnya sistem manajemen produksi. Padahal jika digarap serius tenun diprediksi bisa menyaingi produk batik yang sudah lebih dahulu menjadi ikon tekstil nasional. Hal itu tentu sangat memprihatinkan. Apabila tidak diselamatkan, lama-lama tenun Indonesia akan punah
- MT - Professional Master [887]