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dc.contributor.authorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorMuchtadi, Deddy
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional qualities offormulated foods targeted for children underfive. Four kinds offlour : cassava, banana, tempeh, and fish were used as main raw material. Optimization studies of the ingredients, using the protein and energy content as nutritional index with the cassava and banana content maintained existed in the formula resulted in three best formulated flours: Fl, Cassava + Banana + Tempeh (35.6% + 25% + 39.4%); F2, Cassava + Banana + Fish + Oil (45.3% + 25% + 21.4% + 8.3%); andF3, Cassava + Banana + Tempeh + Fish + Oil (49.7%+ 15% + 21.2% + 10% + 4.1%). These three formulated flours were evaluated for nutritional quality and found the protein score ranged 109 - 113, NDPE% 14,8 -15,3 and NPV 21,90 - 22,70. The four products successfully developed from these three formulated flour, biscuit, minicake, noodle, and flake, had good nutritional quality. The Net Protein Ratio ranged 4.40 - 4.92, the biological value ranged 85 - 94, true digestibility ranged 82 -86, and Net Protein Utilization (NPU) ranged 72 - 81.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectmutu gizien
dc.subjectmakanan balitaen
dc.titleMutu gizi produk makanan balita dari bahan dasar tepung singkong dan tepung pisang yang diperkaya dengan tepung ikan dan tepung tempeen

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