Reaksi Stimulasi Elektroejakulator dan Karakteristik Semen Kucing Domestik (Felis catus)
Reaction of Electroejaculation Stimulation and Semen Characteristic of Domestic Cat (Felis catus).
Hapsari, Fajriati Rafelia
Arifiantini, Raden Iis
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This study aims to determined the characteristics of domestic cats (Felis catus) semen collected by electroejaculator. Semen was collected from 21 sexually mature tomcats. Stimulation of electroejaculator were 1 V, 2 V and 3 V with 10 repetition at each voltage with a time of stimulation 5 seconds and rest 5 seconds (on-off). During stimulation reaction of the cats were recorded. Ejaculate semen was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The results showed at any level of stimulation lead to different clinical symptoms. At 0 V stimulation the cat was unconsciousness; at 1 V stimulation the abdominal muscles was contracted, muscles around praeputium was twitched, legs trembled and convulsions, cats did inspiration and gasped when the stimulation was on, then returned to normal when stimulation stopped; at 2 V stimulation abdominal contractions got stronger, the cats were vocalize, the hind legs and praeputium were contraction, and the penis was erected; at 3 V stimulation the vocalize was louder, contraction of the hind legs was getting stronger, cloning occurred and then ejaculation; at 0 V cat was breathe more deeply and returned to normal. Cats were erectioned at 57.14 ± 26.63 seconds and ejaculation was occured at 94 ± 27.85 second. Macroscopic evaluation demonstrated that semen volume was 48.09 ± 17.71 mL, whitish in color, pH 7 ± 0.65, and the semen consistency was aqueous. Microscopic evaluation demonstrated no visible of mass movements due the slightly of sperm concentration. Semen motility was 68 ± 9:09% with the individual scoring of 4:39 ± 0.61. Viable spermatozoa was 86.84 ± 6.93% with a spermatozoa concentration was 387.4 x 106 ± 457.93 x 106/ml and sperm normality 87 ± 4.71% Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik semen kucing domestik (Felis catus) yang dikoleksi menggunakan elektroejakulator. Sebanyak 21 ekor kucing jantan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Stimulasi elektroejakulator diberikan bertingkat mulai dari 1 V, 2 V, dan 3 V pada masing-masing voltase diberikan 10 kali ulangan dengan waktu rangsangan dan istirahat masing-masing 5 detik. Reaksi yang terjadi saat kucing diberi stimulasi dicatat. Semen yang diejakulasikan dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setiap tingkat stimulasi elektrik menimbulkan gejala klinis berbeda. Pada stimulai 0 V kesadaran tidak ada; stimulasi 1 V otot abdomen berkontraksi, otot sekitar praeputium berkedut-kedut, kaki bergetar dan kejang, kucing melakukan inspirasi dan napas tertahan saat arus listrik menginduksi kontraksi, kembali normal saat arus listrik dihentikan; stimulasi 2 V kontraksi abdomen semakin kuat, terdengar bunyi erangan, kaki belakang dan praeputium kontraksi, ereksi; stimulasi 3 V suara erangan semakin keras, kontraksi kaki belakang semakin kuat, terjadi cloning, kemudian ejakulasi; pada 0 V kucing bernapas lebih dalam dan kembali normal. Kucing mulai ereksi detik ke 57.14 ± 26.63 dan ejakulasi pada detik ke 94 ± 27.85. Secara makroskopis semen kucing mempunyai volume rata-rata 48.09 ± 17.71 μl, berwarna putih keruh, pH 7 ± 0.65, dan konsistensi semen encer. Pada evaluasi semen secara mikroskopis gerakan massa tidak begitu terlihat karena konsentrasi sedikit. Motilitas semen kucing 68 ± 9.09% dengan skoring individual 4.39 ± 0.61. Rasio hidup mati spermatozoa 86.84 ± 6.93%. Konsentrasi spermatozoa 387.4 x 106 ± 457.93 x 106/ml. Spermatozoa kucing mempunyai viabilitas 86.84 ± 6.93% dengan normalitas spermatozoa sebesar 87 ± 4.71%.