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Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Bakso Ikan Tuna, Surimi dan Campuran di CV. Bening Jati Anugerah, Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorSyarief, Rizal
dc.contributor.advisorSumantadinata, Komar
dc.contributor.authorVeranita, Dian
dc.description.abstractCV. Jati Bening Anugerah is a small and medium enterprises (SME), which produced fishballs. The company was founded in 2017 in Bogor Regency. In early 2010, the company began to face the problem of shortage of supply of red meat of tuna as a raw material for making fishball. To anticipate the lack of raw materials, companies need to seek alternative raw materials other than red meat tuna. This study aimed (1) find out consumers' assessment of the quality of fishballs produced CV. Bening Jati Anugerah, the fishballs are made from red meat tuna, surimi and mixture (surimi mixed with mackerel), which judging from the smell, taste, color, texture and overall, (2) analyze the feasibility of fishballs with a simple financial analysis, and 3) compilation strategy of bussiness development of fishballs in CV. Bening Jati Anugerah in order to improve marketing. The data needed for this study originated from the primary and secondary data. The data analysis was performed through a hedonic test analysis, an analysis of the level of interest with the company's performance, a feasibility analysis namely Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The study used the descriptive and analytical methods of the case study to find the Break Even Point (BEP). Analysis of the hedonic test through the analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed: aroma, flavor, texture, color and overall of the fifth of fishballs tested, ie BTX, BTB, BSB, BCB, and BSX, at 95% confidence intervals were not significantly different. Analysis of the level of interest with the company's performance showed, at a rate of more than 85% of consumers are satisfied with the performance of the company. The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix resulted in a score of 2,614, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix of 2,651, all of which are mapped to the Internal External (IE) matrix, in Quadrant V, namely Growth/Stabilization quadrant, which means that the company must conduct the strategies market penetration and product diversification. The recommended strategies are improving company performance through increasing product quality and market expansion also optimalization in production (TAS 5,819). The results of eligibility criteria analysis showed the BEP 10,756 for tuna meatballs. The quality improvement can be done through improvement of management and human resources, good manufacturing practices and also good tools and fasilities (processing machine) that support.en
dc.description.abstractBakso merupakan produk olahan daging sapi atau ikan yang sangat populer bagi masyarakat. Berdasarkan jenis daging yang digunakan dikenal dua (2) jenis bakso yaitu bakso ikan dan bakso sapi. Bakso ikan adalah produk olahan hasil perikanan dengan bahan baku ikan utuh atau lumatan daging ikan (minced) atau surimi, ditambah bahan pengisi berpati atau tepung tapioka dan bumbu-bumbu, yang dibentuk bulat-bulat dan direbus dalam air panas. Mutu bakso ikan yang baik adalah yang warnanya putih bersih, tekstur kompak dan kenyal, tidak rapuh atau lembek. Di Kabupaten Bogor, usaha pengolahan bakso ikan mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Jika pada tahun 2007 hanya ada satu pengolah bakso ikan berskala usaha kecil menengah (UKM), maka pada tahun 2010 meningkat menjadi enam (6) pengolah bakso ikan. CV. Bening Jati Anugerah (CV. BJA) merupakan salah satu pengolah bakso ikan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bogor. Usaha ini berdiri sejak tahun 2007 dengan investasi awal Rp. 30.000.000,-, dan meningkat menjadi Rp. 250.000.000,- di tahun 2010. Pada awalnya usaha ini hanya memproduksi bakso ikan tuna, namun di awal tahun 2010 juga mengolah produk lainnya seperti siomay ikan, ekado, otak-otak, keong mas, udang gulung, lumpia, kaki naga, dan lain-lain. Omset penjualan rata-rata per bulan untuk semua produk sebesar Rp. 20.000.000,-. Dan sistem pemasaran yang dilakukan melalui penjualan secara langsung dan sistem
dc.subjectbusiness development strategyen
dc.titleStrategy of Business Development of fishballs of Tuna, Surimi and Mixed. Case studies in CV. Bening Jati Anugerah, Bogoren
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Usaha Bakso Ikan Tuna, Surimi dan Campuran di CV. Bening Jati Anugerah, Bogorid

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