Business Development Strategy Cake D'wonk in Central Jakarta
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kue Brownies D’Wonk (Studi Kasus Usaha Kue Brownies, Chocolate dan Pastry D’Wonk di Jakarta Pusat)
Business meals, cakes or the like to be an attractive option. At least it is easy to do business, applicants or customers are also quite a lot, but the important thing is creative in producing. Therefore, innovation or product development is essential in business circles in an effort to compete and survive in the food business. Product innovation is important in overcoming the boredom of the product. It also includes forms of competitive strategy. Increased variety and innovation development are sold cake business is the key entrepreneurs who have held food. One of the foods are pretty much demand is brownies. Brownies still be excellent snack, although the selling price is relatively expensive. Many of the creations, taste, shape modification and decoration became one of the reasons why the public interest is high to buy brownies today. Community enthusiastic buying various types of output current brownies, either grilled or steamed. The more people who enjoyed the brownie means from a business standpoint, this chocolate cake is still bright and promising. Brownie growing industry has good prospect in future. One small-scale entrepreneurs or home industry that can capture these business opportunities is a mother who opened a business Rahnayati brownies D'wonk. To be able to develop small industries should be aware of brownies D'wonk strengths and weaknesses of the company and with regard to external factors which can be both opportunities and threats. Formulation of problems that can be drawn is as follows: 1) How can internal and external conditions of small industries brownies D'wonk, 2) business development strategies what is appropriate for small industries brownies D'wonk?. This study aims to 1) Identify the condition of the internal and external factors of small industries brownies D'wonk, 2) Develop an appropriate business development strategy for small industries brownies D'wonk. The study was conducted on a small industrial brownies D'wonk located in Central Jakarta from July to September 2010. The data used are primary data obtained from interviews with the company as much as three respondents are the owners, the production and the marketing and consumer questionnaires to 50 brownies D'wonk who come shop. Secondary data obtained through the study of literature, data and information companies and related institutions. Processing and data analysis methods used were analysis of internal and external environment through the IFE, EFE and IE to determine the position of the company, SWOT to determine company strategy and decision-making QSPM for alternative strategies that will be recommended to the company. Bisnis makanan, kue atau sejenisnya menjadi pilihan yang menarik. Setidaknya bisnis ini mudah dilakukan, peminat atau pelanggan juga lumayan banyak, tetapi yang terpenting adalah kreatif dalam memproduksi. Oleh karena inovasi atau pengembangan produk mutlak dilakukan kalangan pebisnis dalam upaya bersaing serta dapat bertahan di bisnis makanan. Inovasi produk penting dalam mengatasi kebosanan produk. Hal ini juga termasuk bentuk strategi persaingan. Peningkatan variasi dan pengembangan inovasi kue yang dijual merupakan kunci bisnis yang harus dipegang pelaku usaha makanan. Salah satu makanan yang cukup banyak peminatnya yaitu brownies. Brownies masih menjadi camilan primadona, kendati harga jual relative mahal. Banyak kreasi, cita rasa, modifikasi bentuk dan hiasan menjadi salah satu alasan kenapa animo masyarakat membeli brownies tergolong tinggi sampai saat ini. Masyarakat antusias membeli aneka jenis keluaran kue brownies terbaru, baik yang dipanggang maupun dikukus. Makin banyak orang yang menggemari brownies berarti dari segi bisnis, kue coklat ini masih cerah dan menjanjikan
- MT - Professional Master [887]