Business analysis of papaya cutivation with land rent system
Analisis Usaha Budidaya Pepaya Bangkok dengan Sistem Lahan Sewa
Agribusiness is an activity related to the agricultural sector in the broad sense-oriented domestic resources such as agriculture, plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. One area of agribusiness that has good prospects for development is the cultivation of papaya farming Bangkok, because the market demand is still huge, rapid investment payback period, the price is relatively stable, and continuous harvest throughout the year. The market opportunity is still wide open, because the supply is currently still lacking. This situation is caused by fluctuations in the supply of papaya from the centers of cultivation was reduced by planting the land area is declining. As the object of study is the cultivation of papaya farm bangkok, Mr Asfuri located in the Village Prangkoan, Mertoyudan District, Magelang regency, Central Java. Currently running a business fathers Asfuri mostly by Bangkok papaya cultivation of leased land. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of planting papaya Bangkok with his own land, business feasibility analysis Bangkok with papaya farming leased land and the cultivation of papaya integration model of Bangkok's most profitable for entrepreneurs to raise papaya cultivation of Bangkok. Quantitative analysis carried out to analyze the feasibility of the financial aspects using the criteria of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Gross benefit and Cost Ratio (Gross B/C Ratio), Sensitifitas, and BEP analysis. NPV value of aquaculture in their own land is higher at Rp 103,793,371.93, while cultivating the land lease Rp 60,069,785.97. This shows that the net benefits received from cultivation in their own land is greater than in the land lease. Judging from the value of Gross IRR and B/C, indicating that the value of Gross IRR and B/C for all the cultivation is > 0, so that both are good at cultivating their own land or on leased land eligible to run. When viewed from the BEP, the BEP for the cultivation of the land itself is 1.548 units and $ 6,190,661, while for the cultivation of the land rent is 6.972 units and $ 10,457,406.67. Comparison of financial feasibility between the two object cultivation shows that of both types of businesses, the cultivation of the land itself is a more viable business cultivated. It can be seen from the financial eligibility criteria of the cultivation the land itself has a better value. Agribisnis adalah kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan sektor pertanian dalam arti luas yang berorientasi sumberdaya domestik seperti pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, peternakan dan perikanan. Salah satu bidang agribisnis yang memiliki prospek yang baik untuk pengembangan adalah budidaya pepaya Bangkok, karena permintaan pasar masih besar, masa pengembalian investasi yang cepat, harga relatif stabil, dan berkelanjutan panen sepanjang tahun. Peluang pasar masih terbuka lebar, karena pasokan saat ini masih kurang. Situasi ini disebabkan oleh fluktuasi pasokan pepaya dari pusat budidaya berkurang akibat luasan lahan untuk menanam menurun. Sebagai obyek penelitian adalah budidaya pepaya Bangkok Bapak Asfuri. Lokasi usaha pertanian terletak di Desa Prangkoan, Kecamatan Mertoyudan, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Saat ini Bapak Asfuri menjalankan budidaya pepaya pada lahan sewa.
- MT - Professional Master [887]