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Pendugaan Potensi Massa Karbon Dalam Hutan Tanaman Kayu Serat Di Lahan Gambut (Studi Kasus di Areal HTI Kayu Serat PT. RAPP Sektor Pelalawan, Propinsi Riau)

dc.contributor.advisorBudiaman, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractThe role of forests as carbon sinks and storage is very important in the prevention of the greenhouse effect that leads to global warming. Among the various types of forest, peat forest serves as the largest carbon storage. The research objectives were to obtain an alometric equation of carbon mass for A. crassicarpa tree, and measure the potential carbon mass of A. crassicarpa trees on the peat land of HTI fiber wood as well as the potential of carbon mass in peat soil. The results showed that the potential biomass in the stand of A. crassicarpa for the age groups of 2,3,4 and 5 years was respectively 44.98 tons/ha, 70.35 tons/ha, 134.05 tons/ha and 234.78 tons/ha. The potential carbon mass in the stand of A. crassicarpa trees for the age group of 2,3,4 and 5 years was respectively 12.09 tons/ha, 36.23 tons/ ha, 76.09 tons/ha and 133.10 tons/ha. The best alometric equation for estimating tree biomass is W = 0.398918D2.041Hbc0.165 and for carbon mass is C = 0.131D1.246 Htot1.175 .The potential carbon mass of harvest waste on average was 4.89 tons/ha or 3.67% of the potential carbon mass of the tree before harvesting. The potential carbon mass of understorey for the age group of 2,3,4,5 and 0 years was respectively 0.86 tons/ha, 1.27 ton/ha, 1.50 tons/ha, 2.31 tons/ha, and 0.27 tons/ha. The potential carbon mass of litter for the age group of 2,3,4,5 and 0 years was respectively 1.64 tons/ha, 1.54 tons/ha, 2.06 tons/ha, 2.72 tons/ha and 0.32 tons/ha. The potential carbon mass of peat soil for the age group of 2,3,4,5 and 0 years was respectively 1394.07 tons/ha, 1339.14 tons/ha, 1271.11 tons/ha, 1262.68 tons/ha and 1473.62 tons/ha. The potential carbon mass on the ground stand of A. crassicarpa was 3.89% of the potential carbon mass in peat soils.en
dc.description.abstractPeranan hutan sebagai penyerap karbon menjadi sorotan pada saat bumi dihadapkan pada persoalan efek rumah kaca, yang menyebabkan peningkatan suhu udara atau biasa disebut dengan pemanasan global. Diantara berbagai tipe hutan, hutan rawa gambut merupakan tempat penyimpan karbon terbesar per satuan luas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian potensi massa karbon pada HTI kayu serat lahan gambut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di areal hutan tanaman rawa gambut HPHTI PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) Wilayah Kabupaten Pelalawan, Propinsi Riau. Analisis data dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Hasil Hutan dan Laboratorium Pengaruh Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Metode penelitian di lapangan yang digunakan adalah metode destruktif yang dilakukan pada plot ukuran 100 m x 100 m pada tegakan umur 2,3,4,5 dan 0 tahun masing-masing 3 petak ukur. Untuk analisis sifat fisik dan kimia di laboratorium dilakukan pengambilan sampel di lapangan dari bagian-bagian pohon dan kedalaman gambut pada berbagai kelas
dc.subjectcarbon massen
dc.subjectpeat soilen
dc.titleEstimation of Carbon Mass Potency of Plant Fiber Wood In The Peat Land (Case Study In Areal HTI Fiber Wood PT RAPP Sector of Pelalawan, Riau Province)en
dc.titlePendugaan Potensi Massa Karbon Dalam Hutan Tanaman Kayu Serat Di Lahan Gambut (Studi Kasus di Areal HTI Kayu Serat PT. RAPP Sektor Pelalawan, Propinsi Riau)id

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