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dc.contributor.authorSetyobudi, Sugeng lwan
dc.contributor.authorPudjirahaju, Astutik
dc.contributor.authorBakri, Bachyar
dc.description.abstractProtein-Energy Malnutrition among under five children is a nutrition problem in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to find out the effect of supplementary feeding using WHO formulated/modified formulated foods on nutritional status of under-five children suffering from protein-energy malnutrition in the District of Malang. The subjects were 31 children suffering from protein-energy malnutrition living in the working area of Bareng Health Center. Nine WHO formulated / modified formulated Jbods containing 350-400 calories and 10—15 g protein were given to the children for 90 days. The average energy and protein contents of the formulated foods were 394,47 calories and 11,94 g protein, which contributed 23,20—32,87 percent and 44,22—59,70 percent of the energy and of the protein requirements, respectively. Anthropometric measurements showed that 90,31 percent of the children gained weight 0.01 - 2.20 kg (mean 0,65 kg). There was a signifcant correlation between supplementary feeding and the increase of body weight (Y=0,047IX + 9,2795). The average energy intake contributed 93,29 percent of the recommended energy intake. Deficit energy intake was found among 58,10 percent of the children. Among 71,00 percent of the children, protein intake was higher than the recommended protein allowance (mean 140,70 percent). At the end of the supplementary feeding 22,58 percent of the children had good nutrition status 58,06 percent suffered from under nutrition and 19,35 percent had severe malnutrition. Linear regretion test showed a significant correlation between supplementary feeding and nutrition status. It is recommended that supplementary feeding program to alleviate protein-energy malnutrition be continued; health services should he strengthened; and mothers should be motivated to monitor their children's growth.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 29;No. 1
dc.titlePengaruh PMT-Pemulihan Dengan Formula Who/Modifikasi Terhadap Status Gizi Anak Balita Kep Di Kota Malangen

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