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dc.contributor.advisorTjahyandari, Dyah
dc.contributor.authorIsmail, Patra Eland
dc.description.abstractThe iron sand post mining land in the sub-District Grabag, Purworejo District is a critical land that is relatively difficult to be reclaimed. This is due to physical and chemical characteristic of soil that is unappropriate for plant growth. Physically, the post mining land is dominated by sand texture The purpose of this research were to increase the levels of soil organic matter in the sandy soil through the planting of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens), elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), winged-slack flemingia (Flemingia congesta) and red calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) and to analyze the level of soil fertility after the biomass of treatment. The research was tested on experimental plots each measuring 240 m². The treatment plant on each plot were: (1) elephant grass, (2) velvet bean, (3) a combination of elephant grass and Flemingia, (4) a combination of elephant grass and red calliandra, (5) a combination of velvet bean and Flemingia, and (6) a combination of velvet bean and red calliandra. Basic fertilizer were urea, SP-36, KCl and humic compounds. Overall the research area was reaching 4620 m, which makes soils very porous. The sand texture and low organic matter greatly affect the low availability of nutrients. This iron sand reclamation research is conducted by providing in situ organic material with plants that are able to produce high biomass such as legumes, grass, etc. 2 The results showed that the addition of in situ organic materials were able to improve significantly the soil chemical characteristics at the iron sand post mining land. This was seen especially in the parameters of C-organic, N-total, the C/N ratio and CEC which were increased significantly. But these increase in soil chemical characteristics have not been able to improve the soil fertility class of assessment criteria from very low to low within six weeks. . When harvesting, the biomass produced by the plants were cut and then buried under the ground as deep as ± 20 cm and were left for six weeks. The addition of in situ organic materials within six weeks period can not improve the soil chemical characteristics into productive land of agriculture. It was expected with the sustainable addition of in situ organic materials can restore the condition of the land as good as before mining activitiesen
dc.subjectpost mining landen
dc.subjectvelvet beanen
dc.subjectelephant grassen
dc.subjectwinged-slack flemingiaen
dc.subjectred calliandraen
dc.subjectiron sanden
dc.subjectorganic materialsen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian bahan organik in situ terhadap beberapa sifat kimia tanah di lahan bekas tambang pasir besi di Kabupaten Purworejo Provinsi Jawa Tengahen

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