Reklamasi lahan bekas tambang pasir besi dengan aplikasi bahan organik in situ serta penambahan bahan humat dan kapur pada tanaman kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea l), studi kasus PT. Aneka Tambang, Kecamatan Kutoarjo, Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah

Siagian, Uli Kasih Theresia
Suryaningtyas, Dyah Tjahyandari
Sumawinata, Basuki
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Mining activity is an effort that cannot be separated from the modern civilization. The activity of iron sand mining made that area degraded in soil physical and chemical properties. The research was conducted in iron sand post mining area of PT. Aneka Tambang (ANTAM), at Patutrejo, Grabag Village, Kutoarjo, Central Java from March 2010 until July 2010. Reclamation efforts had been conducted by PT. ANTAM by giving compost to the soil and then planting perenial plants namely Ketapang tree. That compost was imported from others area. This became an obstacle because compost in the surrounding area was very limited. Therefore using organic matter in situ, was a simple and easy way. In situ biomass production needed to be developed to improve soil fertility of iron sand post mining area. Therefore, it was needed plants that were tolerant to soil physical properties in ex-mining area, as well as producing organic matter in situ. The plant that have been used often as organic matter source in situ was legume crops. Legume crops can produce more organic matter, high in nutrient uptake and have nodules that can fixed nitrogen from atmosphere. Legume crop that was used in this research was peanut (Arachis hypogaea L). Planting peanut in iron sand mining area may improve soil properties through nitrogen (N2) fixation.