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dc.contributor.authorCahyaningsih, Ria
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed at determining flowering phenology, characterizing and analyzing the diversity of phenotypes based on morphological and molecular markers (RAPD), to provide basis for the development of new varieties of castor (Ricinus communis L.) in Indonesia. The plant material for flowering phenology was PRO accession, and 14 castor accesions of IPB collection were used for genetic diversity study. The first leaf of the sprouts was sampled for DNA extraction then used in RAPD analysis. The eight primers used in this study were OPE-3, OPE-19, OPE-20, OPH-13, OPH-14, OPM-2, OPM-5, and OPM-8. The observation on flowering phenology showed that castor was a monocieous plant indicating a cross-pollinated species. The PRO had inflorescence type 1 (gradient monoecism) according to Shifriss in William (1967) in which female flowers were located at distal part and male flowers were at proximal part. Flowers are incomplete and imperfect. Female flowers (averaged of 20 flower/raceme) opened for 3-6 days followed by male flowers averaged f 52 flower/raceme for 1-2 days. Fruit set was 100%, and fruit development last about 40 days. Based on morphological markers of plant height, petiole length, leaf length and leaf width, 100 grain weight, grain length, grain width, and grain thickness, the 14 accessions were significantly diversed. Weight of 100 grains of seed characters were supposed to be for selection because its high heritability value and wide genetic variability coeficient (KKG). There were correlation between characters of width and length of leaves (97%), plant height and stem diameter (86%), petiole and leaf length (90%), as well as petiole length and leaf width (88%), and seed shape and mature petiole color (83%). At similarity coefficient of the morphological characters (qualitative) of 0.85, the 14 accessions were classified into 6 groups i.e. group 1 (BAG-1, PHIL-5, GRE, THAI-101, CIB-1, Sur, and PHIL-4), group 2 (plam-1, PHIL-2, and LAB-1), group 3 (PHIL-13), group 4 (PON-2), group 5 (PRO), and group 6 (TAN-1). Primers amplification produced 49 bands comprising of 36 polymorphic bands (73.47%) and 13 monomorphic bands (26.53%). At 0.85 coefficient of similarity of molecular characters, the 14 accessions were classified into 5 groups, i.e. group 1 (plam-1, PRO, GRE, CIB-1, LAB-1, BAG-1, PHIL-4, PHIL-5, and PON-2), group 2 (THAI-101 and TAN-1), group 3 (PHIL-13), group 4 (PHIL-2), and group 5 (Sur). Characters of juvenile stem color, juvenile petiole color, and mature stem color can be used as morphological markers, as well as OPH-14 primer can be used as molecular markers to classify accessions. PHIL-13 had the potential character to be used as germplasm in further plant breeding activities.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectRicinus communisen
dc.titleStudi fenologi pembungaan dan keragaman genetik menggunakan marka morfologi dan marka molekuler pada tanaman jarak kepyar (Ricinus communis L.)en

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