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dc.contributor.authorKustian, Yosi
dc.description.abstractMicroorganism in soil and forest litter plays an important role in maintaining the health of the soil such as decomposer, nutrient transformation agent, mineral solubilizer, and also as hormones producer. One of the hormones produced by microorganism including molds is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Utilization of IAA producer molds that tolerance to acid conditions may increase the production of industrial forest in acid soil and improve the vigour of plantling stock material originated from stem cutting. This study was aimed to assess the potential of forest litter molds of IPBCC (Institut Pertanian Bogor Culture Collection) collection as IAA producers and their tolerance to acid conditions. The ability of fifty-one forest litter molds from Katingan and Tarakan to produce IAA was screened in Czapek Dox medium and was determined by Patten and Glick method using Salkowski reagent. According to Patten and Glick method, the forest litter molds from Katingan produced IAA (1.92±0.26 ppm) were higher than those of Tarakan (1.08 ± 0.14 ppm). The production of IAA by static incubation (2.72±0.89 ppm) was higher than those of shaking incubation (1.92 ± 0.26 ppm). The production of IAA on the forest litter molds from Katingan (63.16%) were not influenced by the storage process. Four out of fifty Katingan’s molds were selected for IAA production, those were Acremonium sp. IPBCC 07.548 (3.52±0.46 ppm), Aspergillus ornatus IPBCC 07.554 (4.50±0.92 ppm), Gliocladium deliquescens IPBCC 07.543 (2.23±0.38 ppm), and Penicillium notatum IPBCC 07.555 (5.06±0.46 ppm). IAA and its biomass productions were influenced by pH of the medium. These forest litter molds were considered to be acid tolerance. The pH optimum for their growth and IAA production were 5.5. These molds showed no antagonistic response to each other. The IAA production from these molds in consortium (7.22±1.33 ppm) were better than its single culture (4.43±1.53 ppm). High performance liquid chromatography assay indicated that there was only one type of IAA with retention time 7.1.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectForest litter moldsen
dc.subjectindole-3-acetic acid (IAA)en
dc.subjectacid tolerance,en
dc.subjectfungal consortia.en
dc.titlePotensi kapang asal serasah tanaman hutan sebagai penghasil asam indol asetat dan toleransinya terhadap kondisi asamen

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