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dc.contributor.authorSuhastyo, Arum Asriyanti
dc.description.abstractThe use of local microorganism (MOL) liquid in the SRI method of rice cultivation developed in Indonesia starts early from the preparation of seedlings to vegetative phase, panicle formation and grain filling. MOL is a liquid that can be made from materials available around us such as a waste of vegetables, bamboo shoots, golden snails, maja fruit, gamal leaves, banana hump, cooked rice, urine of rabbits, etc. The liquid is generally given 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 days after planting (DAP) or as needed. This study used the MOL liquid made from banana hump, golden snails and rabbit urine. The research objective was to determine the microbes, identify microbes, chemical properties and growth pattern microbes in the MOL of banana hump, golden snails and rabbit urine. The research was conducted at the Soil Biotechnology Laboratory of IPB starting from April 2010 to January 2011. It used a complete random design with one factor (time) and three replications. The results showed the patterns of microbial growth in the third MOL tends to decline after 7th day, while for fungi tended to decrease after 14th day. Azotobacter-like tend to increase after 7th day of fermentation. For Azospirillum-like and MPF growth tends to decline after the 7th day and Cellulitic Microbes growth tends to decline after 14th day of fermentation in the three types of MOL. The results showed that the identification of microbial isolates by using selective media NFB and NFM was not Azotobacter and Azospirillum , but is has the characteristic and microbial properties such as Azotobacter and Azospirillum so classified in Azotobacter-like and Azospirillum-like. The best fermentation time to obtain an optimum microbial population was in 7-14 days. The MOL of banana hump had a average the lowest pH value (4,2-4,5) and the highest EC value (10,44-12,82 μS/cm) during the fermentation process. The MOL of golden snail had a average the highest pH (4,5-6,55) and and the most oxidative-reductive Eh values [269- (-381) mV] during the fermentation process. The MOL of rabbit urine had the lowest average value of EC (2,18-2,23 μS/cm) and containes more elements of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mg than both of the other types of MOL. Further, Bacillus sp, Aeromonas sp, and Aspergillus niger were identified in the MOL of banana hump. The MOL of golden snails contained Staphylococcus sp and Aspergillus niger, whereas the MOL of rabbit urine had Bacillus sp, Rhizobium sp, Pseudomonas sp, Aspergillus niger and Verticillium sp.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSRI (System of Rice Intensification)en
dc.subjectchemical properties of MOLen
dc.titleStudi mikrobiologi dan sifat kimia Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL) yang digunakan pada budidaya padi metode SRI ( System of Rice Intensification)en

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