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dc.contributor.authorPrihatin, Siti
dc.description.abstractConservation education is a mean to shape human resources with knowledge, attitude, skill, motivation, and commitment to solve conservation problems. Conservation education programs can promote Islamic boarding schools students to have the proficiency of both Islamic religion subjects and conservation-related subjects. It is needed, regarding that Islamic boarding school graduates are required to be responsive and able to solve various problems, including environmental issues, when they lived in a socieity. Therefore, students need to learn environmental and conservation-related subjects through conservation education programs, so that the students would be equipped with related environmental sciences and conservation capabilities.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectconservation educationen
dc.subjectIslamic boarding schoolen
dc.subjecteco-Islamic boarding schoolen
dc.subjectdarul muttaqienen
dc.titleRancangan program pendidikan konservasi di pesantren Darul Muttaqien Bogoren

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