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dc.contributor.authorGarwati, Ien
dc.description.abstractIn Indonesia, the soybean national productions is not enough to fulfill the consumptions. High fertilization cost needs. To increase fertilizer efficiency, one of the effort is using Controlled Release Compound Fertilizers. Beside that, to support the sustainable agriculture, nowadays there are many ways to use biofertilizer that involving microbe inoculation. The objective of this research was to determine the effectivity of controlled release compound fertilizers EnricHS PMF, rhizobial and phosphate solubilizing inoculants RhiPhosant on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in Ultisol. Completely randomized designed with two Factors were used in this research to see the effectivity of fertilizer and RhiPhosant. The combination of factors were fertilizer formula (F1, F2,F3) and one RhiPhosant inoculant (RO and RI) were applied to observe the response of plant nutrient concentration and soybeans yield in greenhouse experiment.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleEfektivitas Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali (PMLT) Enriched Humic Substances (EnricHS) PMF, Perangsang Bintil Akar Dan Pelarut Fospat RhiPhosant Pada Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.)Merrill) Di Tanah Ultisolen

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