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dc.contributor.authorSholichah, Lukluk Mar'atu
dc.description.abstractComprehensive research of soil degradation usually can be conducted by looking the data of physic, chemistry and morphology of soil characteristics in a whole through analysis the soil sampling in each horizon. Based on physical and morphology characteristics soil degradation can be looked through color iteration, topsoil thickness, also with soil texture. Based on chemistry characteristics, degradation can be looked from soil reaction, soil organic matter content, soil alkaly's, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), available P, exchangeble Al and Total N. The soil organic matter content is a soil characteristic which is used to be made a main parameter in estimating the level of the land degradation, because the soil organic material very influenceing other soil characteristics, like soil alkaly content, CEC, and soil structure.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi degradasi ansidol pada berbagai penggunaan lahan melalui pendekatan kadar-organiken

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