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dc.contributor.authorPuspasari, Aninda
dc.description.abstractMany efforts had been doing to increase the production of agricultural . One of them was uing the prime variety followed by increased of chemical fertilizer. Utilization of biofertilizer that contained by Azotobacter and Phosphate Solubilizing Microbe were giving more advantages for the users. Except could be increase the readiness of N and P in soils, using Azotobacter and Phosphate Sohbilizing hficrobe inoculants can also reduce the production cost as well as reduced the environmental pollution. The aim of this research was to selected the effective of Azotobacter and Phosphate Solubilizing Microbe which able to improve the growth of maize also uptake nutrition N and P of Ultisols Darmaga. It was isolated from estate palm oil soils of PT. Mitra Ogan and Tea Plantation of PT. Mitra Kerinci, Sumatera Barat. Maize seeds Pionner-12, Ultisols Darmaga, chemical ferlitizer (Urea 41.09 % N, SP-36 16.47 %J P2Os and KC1 50.61 % K2O) were used in this rcsearch.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePupuk hayati Azotobacter dan mikrob pelarut fosfat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan jagung (Zea mays L.) pada ultisol darmagaen

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