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dc.contributor.authorSyahrawi, Nur Fadhilah
dc.description.abstractWasur National Park O;VNP) is located in Merauke Regency, south of Papua Province. In the early of 2006, was introduced one of herbal &om Papua which has attrach of great attention of public which is sarang semut (Mynitecodia pendans). Sarang semut can be use to healing serious diseases and to making survival of live more longer, so that the price of Sarang Semut increase drasticly. The aims of this research were to dig the knowledge and cultural of community, Marind Sendawi Anim tribe, in using medical plants especially Sarang Semut (Myrt~tecodiap endans) in traditionally. The research was conducted Erom April to May 2008 in Wasur National Park, and interview method was used with respondents who considered knows about using plants medical (snowball method). Data which obtained can be tabulated systematically and analyzed descriptively. Results show that Sarang Semut was used by traditional people (Kanume tribe, Marori tribe, Men-Gei tribe, Yeinan tribe, and Marind tribe) for 3 things: poultry woof, medical plant and economy (sources of revenue). There are six beneficial's for traditional healing i.e. stiff of muscles, kidney disorder, dizzy, give birth to, stiff and waist. Tuber is the part of this plant that was used for medical. Its tuber was boiled either burned before used. Another using with trading, increase the welfare of people. Trading schema is Erom harvester to collector and then to consumer. There is variation in each step of trading schema. Prices in harvester level ranged from Rp. 5.0001sach - Rp. 20.000lsach, consumer 1 (grosser) ranged &om Rp. 25.000 - Rp. 60.0001 kg.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi pemanfaatan sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans Merr. & Perry) oleh masyarakat sekitar taman nasional Wasuren

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