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dc.contributor.authorSagala, Lambok P.
dc.description.abstractIndonesian government through Ministry of Culture and Tourism has set year of 2008 as Indonesian visit year which target of international tourists visit amount of 7 million tourists. However, eventhough the target has set up, Indonesia still lack of data regarding tourism demand especially for ecotourism. Nowadays, ecotourism has become a trend and interesting for many tourists so can attract more international tourists to come. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BTSNP) is one the most familiar Indonesian ecotourism destination. This research aims to get the illustration about international tourists demand at BTSNP. Research was conducted by interviewing internationals visitor. The election of respondents used purposive sampling technique. Collected data was descriptively analyzed. Some finding of this research are: international tourists visited BTSNP dominated by Dutch tourists (32%), man (61%), university graduated (69%), unmarried (63%), 25-31 years old (36%), employment (71%), using rent transportation (loo%), the activity was to see the crater of Bromo (100 tourists), duration of stayed was 1 day (60%), period of visitation was during vacation day (99%), group tour @I%), stayed on the hotel (91%), first visitation (95%), motivation was sightseeinglvacation (47%) and media as a source of information (54%).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePermintaan ekowisata wisatawan mancanegara di taman nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timuren

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