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dc.contributor.authorMutia, Aliya
dc.description.abstractPodsolic is the soil that has a very wide spread in Indonesia, which reached 47,526 million ha of total land area of Indonesia. Podsolic is soil with organic matter content less than 2 %, base saturation is generally low (<35 %), acid (pH 3.5-5.5), low to high cation exchange capacity depending on the texture and clay mineral, low content of nutrients, especially N, P, K, and Ca, and generally have relatively low fertility rate. Sweet potato is a plant that has little risk of crop failure and has a wide adaptability to the environment, so that it can be cultivated on various types of land, altitude, and different levels of soil fertility. This research is a field experiment of planting sweet potatoes in demonstration plot of BPN RI, Setu village, Jasinga, Bogor District with total area of 1800 m2. The design of treatment randomized complete block design factorial two factors. The first factor is the dose of inorganic fertilizer (15-15-15 and Rock Phosphate), while the second factor is the organic fertilizer (with and without humic). Soil analysis was performed at the Center for Soil Research, Bogor and analysis of the quality of sweet potato conducted at the Laboratory of Technopark, Bogor Agricultural University. This study aims to determine the effect of inorganic fertilizer (15-15-15 and Rock Phosphate), and organic fertilizer (humic) on growth, production and quality of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) and soil chemical properties Podsolic Jasinga. The results showed that the inorganic fertilizer15-15-15 (Phonska) increased stem length and starch content, while inorganic fertilizer Rock Phosphate tends to produce biomass weight than inorganic compound fertilizer 15-15-15. Interaction between inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer significantly increased the number of leaves and weight of tuber. In the treatment without humic, inorganic compound fertilizer 15-15-15 tended to increase Pavailable, whereas giving Rock Phosphate increased pH, P-available, and K-dd. The treatment with humic, giving P1 15-15-15 compound fertilizer and Rock Phosphate dose of R2 increased available-P and soil cation exchange capacity, while lower dose of P2 and R1 increased available-P and soil cation exchange capacity. Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer did not decrease the Al-dd but tended to increase the Al-dd.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Pupuk Anorganik Dan Pupuk Organik Terhadap Produksi Dan Kualitas Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) Dan Sifat Kimia Podsolik Jasingaen

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