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dc.contributor.authorApriani, Susie
dc.description.abstractMangroves have degradation that one of it's caused by forest conversion to fishponds. RPH Cibuaya adopted silvofishery system with classes. Its consist of Class 1 (≥ 80% of mangroves), class 2 (60-80% of mangroves), class 3 (40-59% of mangroves) and class 4 (< 40% of mangroves). This research was conducted to calculate social economic value of silvofishery and shows the mangroves conservation value by rehabilitation. The data were collected by interview, questioner, direct observation and study literature. The data were analyzed with qualitatifely and quandtitafiley by R-C ratio method. Mangroves utility was not influenced by gender, social status and education. Besides use mangroves as fishponds, people use mangroves as firewood (33,33%) and natural ecotourism (26,09%). Highest income is Class 4 which is manage intensively. The seeds growth aren't disturbed by dirty water and badsmell because of less vegetation. That be one of the advantages from Class 4 besides easy and quickly harvesting (didn't disturbed by mangroves root). Because of Class 4 domination, causes the forest damage, such as cutting the vegetation or much fertilizing)en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis Sosial Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Kawasan HUtan Lindung Mangrove dengan Sistem Tambak Tumpangsari yang Berkelangsungan (Kasus: RPH Cibuaya, BKPH Cikiong, KPH Purwakartaen

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