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dc.contributor.authorSari, Vita Puspita
dc.description.abstractThe limitation of com comudity in the country has not been enough to fulfill the national needs. The increasing of production com could be made by giving correct fertilizer on time, the amount and the kind of the fertilizer in the application. Beside giving fertilizer through the soil it can be done also through the leaves. Fertilizing through the leaves have strongness point, the dosage will by standard, then the sensivity can be arranged and the accuracy is better, it provides good result in macro and micro, in the amount and limited tirr ' The leaves shell and the root shell, take good result through "apoplast". This research is hoped to observe the effectivity of Growmore leaves 12-45-10 on the dosage of conventional fertilizer is differen. fertilizing by using conventional standard dosage (advice from "Depart, Pertanian") on the increasing of products parameter and the basic plantation c and well as the economic growth. The design of this reserch used is rando mehod (planing random group) 10 treatment and 3 replicates. The result of this research indicates that the application of the Growmore leaves fertilizer 12-45-10 gives positive effect better than standard dosage activities and the control on the growth parameter, product component and basic hara (N, K and Ca). The value of RAE (Relative Agronomic Effectiveness) on the treatment of dosage conventional fertilizer 225 Kg/ha Urea, 100 Kg/ha SP-36, 75 Kg/ha KCL and the dosage of Growmore fertilizer 15 Kg/ha, can reach 173,4% compare with treatment standard. On the analysis at farmer business effort competence by using R/C ratio, the package of Growmore leaves fertilizer 12-45-10 with conventional growth fertilizer the biggest one is on the conventional fertilizer 150 Kg/ha Urea, 50 Kg/ha SP-36, 37,5 Kg/ha KCL and dosage of the Growmore fertilizer 12 Kg/ha, the ratio score is 1,60 and the profit will be taken is about 0,60 times from capital.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEfektivitas Paket Pupuk Daun Growmore 12-45-10 Dengan Pupuk Konvensional Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi, Dan Kadar Hara Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) Pada Lahan Latosol Darmagaen

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