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The Effect of BAP Hormones on Shoot Multiplication of Kantung Semar (Nephentes alata Blanco) Planted on Murashige & Skoog Media with In Vitro Techniques

dc.contributor.advisorSandra, Edhi
dc.description.abstractNepenthes atau Kantung Semar merupakan tumbuhan yang unik yang saat ini keberadaannya semakin terancam. Saat ini nepenthes termasuk ke dalam tanaman langka berdasarkan kategori IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) dan WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Centre). Di Indonesia tumbuhan ini dilindungi menurut PP No. 7 tahun 1999 dan termasuk dalam daftar CITES Appendix I (N. rajah dan N. khasiana) dan Appendix II (selain kedua jenis tersebut). Teknik budidaya tumbuhan dengan metode konvensional (menggunakan medium tanah atau pasir) sering dihadapkan kepada kendala teknis, baik dalam segi waktu maupun lingkungan. Oleh karena itu saat ini telah berkembang teknik budidaya kultur jaringan, dan untuk mengoptimalkan multiplikasi tunas N. alata dapat dirangsang dengan menggunakan hormon BAP (6-benzylaminopurine).en
dc.description.abstractNepenthes or pitcher plant is unique plant which existence is increasingly threatened. Currently nepenthes is belong to the category of rare plants on the basis of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Centre). In Indonesia, this plant is protected by PP No.7 / 1999 and included in Appendix I (N. rajah and N. khasiana) and Appendix II (in addition to the two types of these) of CITES. Plant cultivation techniques with conventional methods (using soil or sand media) are often encounter technical challenges, both in terms of time and environment. Nowaday, tissue culture technique had been developed to overcome the challenges, and BAP hormones (6-benzylaminopurine) could be used in stimulating nepenthes shoot multiplication. The research was conducted in November 2010 to March 2011 in Plant Conservation Laboratory, Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of BAP hormones (0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 ml/l), the use of Murashige & Skoog media (0, 1/5, 1/3, and 1 MS), and the interaction of both hormone and media effect on the growth nepenthes invitro. Quantitative data collected included the number of shoots, books, and leaves, and the height of shoot, while the qualitative data included description of the condition of the plant (root, callus, and death). The result showed that the interaction between BAP hormone and Murashige & Skoog medium did not indicate a statistically significantly different effect on the shoot multiplication of N. alata. The highest number of shoot was shown in the treatment of 0.5 ml/l BAP, 1/3 MS (A3B2) with the average number 5.50 units. The use of MS medium indicated a statistically significantly different effect on the shoot multiplication of N. alata, with the highest number of shoot was shown in the use of 1/3 MS (B2) mediawith the average number 4,20 units; while the giving of BAP hormone did not indicate a statistically significantly different effect on the shoot multiplication of N. alata, with the highest number of shoot was shown in the use of BAP 0.1 ml/l (A1) with the average number 4.20 units. The conclusion of this research was the best shoot multiplication of N. alata happens in the treatment 0.5 ml/l BAP, 1/3 MS (A3B2); while if it just usedthe MS media the best shoot multiplication was shown in the use of 1/3 MS (B2) media, and if it just used BAP hormone the best shoot multiplication is shown in 0.1 ml/l (A1) concentration of BAP.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian hormon bap terhadap multiplikasi tunas tumbuhan kantung semar (Nepenthes alata Blanco) pada media tanam murashige & skoog dengan teknik in vitroid
dc.titleThe Effect of BAP Hormones on Shoot Multiplication of Kantung Semar (Nephentes alata Blanco) Planted on Murashige & Skoog Media with In Vitro Techniquesen

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