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dc.contributor.authorCakyayanti, Ingge Dhyan
dc.description.abstractMining would give direct negative impact on environmental condition, there are opened soil surface that will increase surface run-off; change on forest ecosystem and forest ecology stability. Objective on post mining area rehabilitation is to construct post mining area fit in the land purpose. Collection results of researches in growth of many trees species is important to know the development of technique and detect the success rate with its factors. The objective of this research to evaluate result on researches collected. This research was carried out by collect and analyze the result of growth on many tree species in post mining area on Laboratorium Bioteknologi Hutan dan Lingkungan ; dan Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Hayati dan Bioteknologi (PPSHB) library, University library and Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism library at Bogor Agricultural University. Many research resulted there were several tree species which used in rehabilitation post mining area were akasia, lamtoro, gamal, sengon, jarak pagar, pulai, gaharu, nyatoh, kapur naga, mindi, melochia, cemara gunung, nyamplung, ubak, rengkat, leban, and waru . Over tailing in post tin mining area akasia, lamtoro, gamal and sengon well grown with Mycofer and compost treatment beside that jarak pagar seedlings well grown in mixed ameliorant and anorganic fertilizer tratment. Over batu bara tailing, sludge acquition increasing growth of mangium and acacia. Topsoil acquition increasing seedlings growth of pulai species. FMA inoculation and soil amandement treatments increasing grown of agarwood species. Soil amandement treatment given positive effect on seedlings of nyatoh and kapur naga species. Over post gold mining area, combination of active compost and FMA helped mindi species to grown up. Over post nickel mining area, melochia species well grown in fertilizer treatments, beside that grass controlling system helped cemara gunung grown well. Over post tin mining area nyamplung, ubak, rengkat, laban and waru grown up with water splash treatment.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectResult of researchesen
dc.subjectPost mining areaen
dc.subjectHasil Penelitianen
dc.subjectLahan pasca tambangen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKajian hasil-hasil penelitian tentang tingkat pertumbuhan berbagai jenis pohon pada lahan pasca tambangen

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