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dc.contributor.authorSelisiyah, Afriyani
dc.description.abstractOne of the medicinal plants needed by community is cardamom (Ammomum cardamomum) but relatively little in supply. It is one of the herb plants which has high economic value and good prospects. Its potential development in Indonesia is quite high, but the increasing of production do not fulfill the market demands on domestic and international yet. Regarding to this case Sedayu farmers try to optimize the using of Perhutani land through planting cardamom as sidelines plant on pine stands. The election of cardamom as sidelines plant was not without reason. Basically multicultural planting can be more profitable if those plants could maximally exploit environmental resources along growth period. The decision for conservation of monocultural pine into multicultural with cardamom are needed to be reviewed in financial aspect avoid the risk in order to of loss and analysed see the marketing prospects in Sedayu. Primary data were collected by using Purposive Sampling method. This means that each element did not get the same chance to be selected. The taken samples foe particular purpose were 40 farmers, through interviewing and observing. While method to determine the market prospects is survey, which used Snowball Sampling in respondents taking. Based on beginning of this identification would be found in the next sample units, which determining the initial sample and the next samples based on the information obtained. The results of on financial aspect analysis including NPV, Net B/C, IRR, and Payback Period, the cardamom cultivation in Sedayu were worthed to be conducted. This is indicated by the value of NPV > 0 amount of IDR 31,885,009; Net B / C> 1 is 1.3; and IRR of 22.29%, where the value is higher than interest rate (discount factor) of 13% and the payback period obtained in cardamom cultivation is 4.23 (4 years 3 months). Cardamom cultivation has good market prospects. This is caused by the demand for cardamom still relatively high. The number of requests from traders still not be fulfilled by farmers so that the value of excess demand is high.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectFinancial Analysisen
dc.subjectMarket Prospectsen
dc.subjectAnalisis Finansialen
dc.subjectProspek Pasaren
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKelayakan usaha kapulaga (Amomum cardamomum) di desa sedayu kecamatan loano kabupaten purworejo, wilayah kph kedu selatan perum perhutani unit 1 Jawa Tengahen

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