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dc.contributor.authorArizona, Dian
dc.description.abstractThe people around TNGC have a very close interaction with the surrounding natural resources as can be seen when they deal with the use of plants (ethnobotany). Documenting the people‟s knowledge in TNGC ethnobotany is especially important so that the knowledge of TNGC people in the use of these plants can be preserved. This study aimed to identify the use of plants by the people around TNGC (etnobotany) and to find out the potential of useful plants in the TNGC region. Ethnobotany study was conducted by interviews and the potential of useful plants in the TNGC region was learned through a vegetation analysis. The number of species obtained from the ethnobotany results was 131 species and 62 families. Medicinal plants were among the much used reaching 37 species. The number of spesies obtained from the results of vegetation analysis was 99 plant spesies and 43 families residing in the TNGC area. The most useful plant species were plants producing buildings as many as 14 species. Out of 131 plant that were used by community, many them were not be found in the area of TNGC reached 113 species, whereas plants that were aas many as 18 species. Of all the plants obtained from the ethnobotany results and vegetation analysis, 10 superior species can be develoved by communities around the TNGC area, for example, nilam (Pogostemon cablin) as aromatic material and raw material for the manufacture of perfume and ground orchids with yellow flowers (Phaius flavus ) for ornamental plants. These superior species if well-cultivated are expected to help TNGC community improve their income.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectvegetation analysisen
dc.subjectuseful plantsen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleEtnobotani dan potensi tumbuhan berguna di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai, Jawa Baraten

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