Studi pakan dan perilaku makan rusa sambar (Cervus unicolor Kerr, 1972) di Resort Teluk Pulai, Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah
The existence of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) are increasingly threatened due to the destruction of habitat. One of the sambar deer protected area in Indonesia is Tanjung Puting National Park (TNTP). Population decline of sambar deer can be avoided by habitat management. Component of sambar deer habitat thats need to get more attention is food. An understanding of feeding behavior is needed as a complement to acquire the expertise and guidance sambar deer population. The aims of this study were: (1) understand the type of food, edible parts of plants and distribution pattern of sambar deer feed at Tanjung Puting National Park, (2) know the productivity, carrying capacity and the availability of sambar deer feed at Tanjung Puting National Park and (3) know the sambar deer feeding behavior at Tanjung Puting National Park. Data were obtained in three ways, consist of: literature study, field observation and interviews to stakeholders. Data were collected includes: vegetation analysis, identify the type of food, food productivity, food availability and feeding behavior of sambar deer. Results of vegetation analysis showed that the type of sambar deer foods in the Teluk Pulai Resort identified 53 plant species included to 33 families. Parts of plants eaten by sambar deer, consited: leaves (31 species), leaves and stems (4 species), leaves and flowers (6 species), leaves and fruits (10 species) and fruit as much as 2 types namely kasai (Pometia alnifolia) and betiti (Mangifera longipetiolata). The distribution pattern of sambar deer food plants including: clumped distribution (57,38%), random (16,39%) and unknown (26,23%). For plant species that follow the uniform pattern was not found. The data also showed that plant productivity of sambar deer food at Teluk Pulai Resort between 1.809.879,644 kg/day to 2.613.587,565 kg/day. Resulting carrying capacity of 2 individuals/ha or as many as 122.958 individuals in total. As for the amount of feed availability is 789.101.569,4 kg. Based on observations with a combination of focal animal sampling and time series methods about feeding behavior known that sambar deer eat on a tree is choosed based on height. Type the first leaves eaten by deer sambar are leaves on a tree that can be reached by sambar deer. Based on chi-square with 95% confidence interval indicates that the long eating sambar deer is influenced by gender and age (χ2 count = 121,547; χ2 table = 7,378).