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Design of Fuzzy Expert System for Determination of Cultivation Effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi as Biofertilizer

dc.contributor.advisorKustiyo, Aziz
dc.contributor.authorAzis, Nur Aziza
dc.description.abstractThe use of biofertilizer provides many benefit, including the increased of agricultural production, quality improvement of agricultural product, and reducing the use of artificial fertilizer as well. One of such biofertilizer is Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF). In cultivation of AMF there are some environment factors which influence cultivation effectiveness, such as soil pH, mean temperature, soil water content, and suitability of host plant. Incompatible factor can give negative impact on AMF cultivation. This research designed an expert system to observe effectiveness value of AMF cultivation based on certain environment factor. This research focused on three AMF specieses, Entrophospora columbiana, Glomus fasciculatum, and Glomus manihotis. This system was built using Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with four fuzzy parameters: suitability of host plant, soil pH, mean temperature and soil water content. Rules as knowledge base had been built with total 144 rules for each AMF species. Mamdani method is used as inference process. System gives cultivation effectiveness value as output. The effectiveness value shows how effective cultivation process on certain input condition as compared to its best condition. The effectiveness value also divides into four category: not effective, slightly effective, moderately effective, and effective. Based on data verification, system is still unable to gives an accurate effectiveness percentage, altough it is quite good on giving right effectiveness category. To be used in real condition, this system must still be developed further. For example by adding other factors as parameters, such as cultivation time or type of cultivation media.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectarbuscular mycorrhizal fungien
dc.subjectfuzzy expert systemen
dc.subjectMamdani methoden
dc.titlePerancangan sistem pakar fuzzy untuk penentuan efektivitas kultivasi cendawan mikoriza arbuskula sebagai pupuk hayatien
dc.titleDesign of Fuzzy Expert System for Determination of Cultivation Effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi as Biofertilizeren

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