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dc.contributor.authorYudha, Eka Purna
dc.description.abstractDecentralized regional development becomes a trend and has been transformed as an angel messenger of change, in Indonesia more familiar referred to regional autonomy. Over a decade since 1999, regional autonomy was conducted, it’s began to arise many questions, one of the most striking is that, did regional autonomy success to improve the welfare of society and capable to facilitate the distribution of development? This question was not arising without cause or reason, because the physical laws of cause and effect would apply in real life wherever it is. Counter productive regional autonomy is the basis of the initial formation of research hypotheses that will further see how the actual process of public services by local governments, in this case the District Government of Lebak. The studied public service under study is slightly investigating the impact on the quality of human resources. The ultimate impact was how to influence the quality of human resources resulted from public service to the economic structure and level of disparity. Public service provided by Lebak regency will try to be analyzed with IPA and further linkages will be seen the influence of public services towards the quality of human resources using multiple linear regression analysis. As for the influence of the quality of human resources towards the economic structure and level of disparity will be used descriptive analysis, LQ, Typology Klassen, IKM, Williamson index and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this study provided information that the public service in Lebak regency still below the minimal standard of service and the public was not satisfied with the provided services. Public services significantly impair the quality of human resources. The impact was the quality human resources were still below the average of Banten province, where the number of Lebak HDI in 2008 was 67.10. With the condition of human resources, the Lebak GDP was still not evenly, the income per capita only reached number 5.000.000. in addition, Lebak still rely on agricultural commodities as the support of key development sectors as well as a distribution base which provides for 35.4 percent of GDP. Klassen Typology Based on the analysis, nearly 90 percent of Lebak region belong to the disadvantaged areas that have growth and low incomes. HPI Analysis showed that the number of poor people in Lebak was still relatively high, 12.5 percent. Low HDI also contributed to high rates of disparity, which was equal to 0.69. Linkages occur that the low quality of human resources is causing high rates of disparity. The poor public services made low quality of human resources. The low quality of human resources was causing high rates of regional development disparities.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectPublic servicesen
dc.subjectHuman resourcesen
dc.subjectRegional Developmenten
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePelayanan publik, kualitas sumberdaya manusia dan disparitas pembangunan wilayahen

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