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dc.contributor.authorIlunanwati, Elok
dc.description.abstractFood security is a mandatory government affairs. It requires some forms of development planning in order to guarantee a sustainable food security. Food and nutrition planning as part of regional development planning is made to improve the quality of human resources and economic development, which is not solely on the planning of food commodities. One of targets to be achieved is the amount of food availability (in the form of daily energy availability of 2.200 kcal/capita) as well as the diverse on the basis of balanced nutrition that is indicated by a desirable dietary pattern or pola pangan harapan (PPH) score of 100. Muara Enim distric does not currently have a reference for the operational targets of food production to meet the ideal food consumption and land area that should be provided to ensure sustainable food supply. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the carrying capacity of the region to plan a sustainable food supply in Muara Enim regency. This was retrospective study. Research location was in Muara Enim regency in South Sumatra Province, and the study location were selected on purpose (purposive). The experiment was conducted in September through October 2010. The results showed that 1) the potentials for food production were varied and could be developed to meet the food consumption of the population, 2) some adjustments between production targets of satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) and ideal food consumption needs of the population were required, 3) agricultural land to be preserved for food is 115,043 ha (wetland 36,539 ha and 80,371 ha of dry land, with land man ratio of 1,420 m2/capita), and 4) sharpening is needed in the synchronization between planning documents and development objectives in quantitative determination.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectfood availabilityen
dc.subjectregion carrying capacityen
dc.subjectland man ratioen
dc.titlePerencanaan ketersediaan pangan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatanen

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