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Effect of Combined Dosage of Fertilizer and Humic Substances on the Production of Oil Palm Bunches (Elaeis guineensis) (Case Study of PTPN VI Rimbo Satu, Rimbo Dua, and Batanghari Work Units).

dc.contributor.advisorDjajakirana, Gunawan
dc.contributor.advisorSumawinata, Basuki
dc.contributor.authorArisinda, Astrid
dc.description.abstractIndonesia saat ini menghasilkan sebanyak 47% dari produksi minyak kelapa sawit yang dihasilkan dari berbagai perkebunan kelapa sawit seluruh dunia. Sehingga Indonesia menjadi negara produsen nomor satu di dunia. Kelapa sawit merupakan penghasil minyak nabati yang paling efisien dibandingkan dengan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati yang lainnya, seperti kedelai, zaitun, kelapa, dan bunga matahari. Kelapa sawit dapat menghasilkan minyak paling banyak yaitu sebesar 6-8 ton/ha/th minyak kelapa sawit. Sementara itu, sumber minyak nabati yang lainnya hanya menghasilkan kurang dari 2.5 ton/ha/th, berada jauh di bawah kelapa sawit. Untuk mendapatkan produksi yang optimal, karakteristik dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi harus diusahakan agar efektif dan efisien. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi adalah
dc.description.abstractIndonesia currently accounts for 47% of oil palm production from various oil palm estates around the world, making Indonesia the number one oil palm producer. Oil palm is one of Indonesia’s eminent agricultural commodities. In comparison to other oil producing plants, such as soybean, olive, coconut, and sunflower, oil palm is the most efficient oil producer. Oil palm can produce oil up to a maximum of 6-8 tons/ha/year. Meanwhile, other sources of oil crops only produce less than 2.5 tons/ha/year, far below the amount produced by oil palm. To obtain optimum production, the characteristics and factors affecting the process should also be optimized effectively and efficiently. One of the factors that influence the production is the fertilizer used during the process. Fertilization is one of the influential factors in planting. It affects plant growth, plant production, and the quality of the product. Fertilization is needed to obtain optimum production of bunches and to produce good quality oil. However, oil palm fertilization requires high cost. Therefore, it needs to be considered to achieve an efficient fertilization. One way to obtain an efficient and effective fertilization is by using humic substancesen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian kombinasi dosis pupuk dan bahan humat terhadap produksi tandan buah segar kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis): studi kasus PTPN VI unit usaha Rimbo Satu, Rimbo Dua, dan Batangharien
dc.titleEffect of Combined Dosage of Fertilizer and Humic Substances on the Production of Oil Palm Bunches (Elaeis guineensis) (Case Study of PTPN VI Rimbo Satu, Rimbo Dua, and Batanghari Work Units).en

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