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dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Dina
dc.description.abstractThe research entitled Fraction The Application of Cow Dung on Maize (Zea mays) cultivation: The Changes of Some Chemical Properties and Phosphorus Inorganic Fractions on Andisol Lembang was conducted from September 2009 until April 2010. The research in the field was conducted at Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute, Lembang, West Java, while the chemical properties of soil analyses were performed at the Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Fertility, Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. The background of this research is the high application of organic metter to overcome the very high P retention in this soil. Therefore the research concerning the P fractions distribution is very important. The researches related to the effect of organic matter to changes on P fractions would have been a lot done, but researches data on those for Andisol Lembang is not yet available. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the effect of cow dung to changes of some chemical properties and fractions of inorganic P (Pi) on maize cultivation in the root (rhizosfer) area and in between crop rows. The treatments were applied in four rates those were 0, 10, 20, and 40 tons ha-1 and each treatments were repeated three times. Composite soil sampling was conducted at two weeks after incubation (prior to maize planting) and after harvest when the maize was about three months collected in the rhizosfer area and in between rows of plants. The changes on P fractions were calculated by subtracting the fraction P after two weeks of incubation with fraction P after harvest in the rhiszosfer area and in between rows of plants. The results of preliminary analyses suggested that this Andisol Lembang was slightly acid. C-organic carbon was very high status, cation exchange capacity (CEC) was high status, base saturation (BS) was low status, total N was medium status, available P was high status and soil texture class was silt loam. The high available P suggested that P fertilization in Andisol Lembang was very intensive. The results suggested that cow dung did not increase significantly soil pH, soil CEC, and C-organic. The cow dung did not increase BS significantly after two weeks of incubation but increase BS significantly at harvest in the rhizosfer area and in between rows of plants. The BS values at harvest were lower than two weeks after the incubation that suggesting there was leaching process or the removal of nutrients by the plants. The cow dung increased resin-Pi significantly. The changes in resin-Pi after harvest in between rows of plants and rhizosfer area were negative in their values. Those indicated that there was a transformation process of the resin-Pi into other P fractions or absorbed by plants. The cow dung increased NaHCO3-Pi significantly at harvest in both the rhizosfer area and in between rows of plants but did not increased this fraction significantly at after two weeks of incubation. The changes of NaHCO3-Pi in the rhizosfer area were positive in their values indicating that the resin-Pi transformed into this fraction. While the values of a negative changes in the area between rows of plants suggested that the transformation into other forms of P fraction was greater than the transformation of resin-Pi into this fraction or the removal of this fraction by the plants was greater than the transformation of resin-Pi into this fraction. The cow dung did not increased NaOH-Pi significantly but increased significantly levels of NaOH-Pi. The Distribution of P fractions in both control plots and experimental plots were NaOH-Pi> NaHCO3-Pi> resin-Pi. The Changes in NaOH-Pi was negative in their values in both rhizosfer area and in between rows of plants. This suggested that the fraction of NaOH-Pi was not a stable fraction of Andisol Lembang. This fraction could be transformed into a form that is available, if the fraction of available P was depleted or they were transformed into occluded P. The rate of 40 tons ha-1 is recommended rate as ameliorant for Lembang Andisol, West Java.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePemberian kotoran sapi pada pertanaman jagung (Zea mays) perubahan beberapa sifat kimia dan fraksi fosfor inorganik pada andisol Lembang, Jawa Baraten

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