Uji efektivitas pupuk daun growmore 32-10-10 terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan kadar hara tanaman jagung di tanah latosol Darmaga (Oxic Dystropept)
Corn is important food commodity beside rice. The productivity of corn in year of 2005 was 12.52 million tons increased by 1.30 million tons compared to corn productivity in year of 2004. One of methods to increase the productivity is by using fertilizer. Effectiveness fertilize is to add mineral nutrients which are slightly supplied so it can use by the crop optimize. Foliar fertilizer is an artificial fertilizer which given to the crop by mean of spray to the leaf. Generally foliar fertilizer consist of macronutriens such as N, P, K, Ca, and Mg and micronutrients such as Fe, Cu, Co, Mn, and Zn. The main purpose of this research is to observe the effectivity of Growmore 32-10-10 foliar fertilizer compare to standard fertilization on corn crop. The research use randomized complete block design. The treatment consisted of : (1) Control (2) Standar (recommendation fertilization of Indonesian Agricultural Departement) (3) S1G1 (4) S1G2 (5) S1G3 (6) S1G4 (7) S2G1 (8) S2G2 (9) S2G3 (10) S2G4. all of the treatments repeated by three times in block. S1 equal to ¼ standard dose and S2 was equal to ½ standard dose. These doses were combined with Growmore (G1, G2, G3, and G4).